Those over-ambitious Kadima MK's are straining at the bit hoping that Olmert will give them a chance to rule before the next elections decimate their numbers.
Last night I had the unpleasant experience of hearing Meir Shitrit on Israeli TV bragging about how much harder he'd work to find some deal the Arabs would go for in a "quest for peace." What can I say? Like money can't buy you love, land can't buy us peace. He's no innocent fool on the hill for sure.
Luckily, the Kadima cronies don't like Shitrit much either. Tsippi Livni is poised to take over, but the legal experts say that Olmert may stay prime minister even if indicted. He's a skilled legalistic acrobat, a Harry Houdini of the legal system, and it looks like we're stuck with him for awhile.
Last night I had the unpleasant experience of hearing Meir Shitrit on Israeli TV bragging about how much harder he'd work to find some deal the Arabs would go for in a "quest for peace." What can I say? Like money can't buy you love, land can't buy us peace. He's no innocent fool on the hill for sure.

Putting Olmert away for good won't be easy, so don't set the table for the party yet.
Very nicely done!
Too bad it's true though :o(
Thanks, sometimes the truth isn't fun.
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