Hamas War

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Define: "Pro-Israel"

Show me an American politician who admits that he/she doesn't care if Israel's destroyed by the Arabs, and I'll show you an honest politician, an oxymoron for sure.

I'm totally sick and tired of all the misleading pontifications from those ambitious ego-driven beings who lust for impressive titles.

Most American Jews are still stuck worshipping the Democratic Party because they refuse to admit to themselves that FDR actually facilitated the Nazi murder of Jews, because his administration didn't consider the destruction of the death camps and the rail lines leading to them as war aims. This genetic fault has been inherited by younger Jewish Americans.

Obama's touting his running mate Biden as proof that his administration would be a good friend of Israel. My husband has been busy documenting the truth about Biden.

The Republican Bush (father and son) has been no better, basically, the same as Biden. How would McCain be? I don't know. There seems to be some brain-washing zap which hits even the best once they're in office.

I'm more concerned with Israeli politicians, since I have no doubt that the real power is here. Olmert makes Benedict Arnold look like a loyal patriot.

All we have to do is:
Say: No!


rickismom said...

Olmert makes Benedict Arnold look like a loyal patriot.

LOL (IF it was funny...)

Batya said...

I just wish it weren't so.

Daniel said...

While FDR was a rasha from Hell, he can't be entirely blamed. If America's Jews - who never passed up a leftist rally- had marched , wrote telegraphs, had sitins, etc, perhaps the Knickibacker might have got off his ass. I think that his uncle Teddy might not have needed any proding.

Hadassa DeYoung said...

The most pro-Israel act any American politician could do is cut all "aid" to Israel. Ron Paul spoke quite eloquently on the subject.
If I'm not mistaken Jews in key positions begged FDR not to make WWII into a Jewish war.

Batya said...

daniel, hadassah, yes it was a bad time for Jews. They had no pride and didn't care enough to make a fuss. I used to find it hard to believe until a few years ago... Disengagement. Here in Israel, unthinkable things have happened to innocent, law-abiding Jews.