Hamas War

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

This Week's Haftara, Portion From the Prophets

Such perfect timing, Annapolis and this:

Parshas Vayeishev Amos 2:6 - 3:8

by Rabbi Dovid Siegel

This week's haftorah sensitizes us to the severity of injustice. The prophet Amos begins by informing us of the limits of Hashem's tolerance. Hashem says, "I can be patient over the three offenses of the Jewish people, but the fourth is inexcusable. Namely, the sale of the righteous for silver and the pauper for shoes. They anticipate the dirt placed on the head of the impoverished." (2:6, 7) Amos admonishes the Jewish people here for their insensitivity towards injustice. He complains about the judges who would bend the law for nominal sums and exchange justice for an inexpensive pair of shoes. continued here

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