Hamas War

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I am very busy today, so let this suffice. A bissel food for thought.

What is peace?
  • In a state of peace, all people can live without fear of attack, terrorism.
  • In a state of peace, all people enjoy the same civil rights.
  • In a state of peace, all people have the same commercial rights.
  • In a state of peace, all people have the same building rights.

What is being offered to innocent Jews in Judea and Samaria?





Anonymous said...

The 'peace' that most people talk about is not peace at all but rather a distortion.

When we Jews pray for peace/shalom (a lot), we are requesting peace between ourselves. Peace with the goyim is not an objective at all.

And certainly not at the expense of giving up anything.

Batya said...

Exactly, Josh, they've turned "peace" into a dirty word.