Hamas War

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Parshat Balak: We are Our Own Worst Enemy

This week's Torah Portion of the Week, Balak, like many in במדבר Bamidbar, Numbers, is rather depressing. How could it be that the Jewish People could have so quickly forgotten the great miracles Gd did to enable our escape from slavery to Pharaoh in Egypt?

In the past few weeks we've read about how the tribal leaders chickened out of immediately entering the Promised Land, claiming that the locals were too strong. We also read how they missed the Egyptian slave food. After years of slavery, which had an advantage of being fed and cared for, they found responsibility a drag.

And this week's Torah Portion, since the Moabite King Balak was in awe of Gd's protective powers over the Jewish People, he hires the famous sorcerer Balaam to curse and weaken them. It doesn't seem to work, because Balaam ends up blessing them.

Then the Parsha ends rather ironically, or tragically, because the Jewish take up with non-Jewish women causing a terrible epidemic killing 24,000, until Pinchas executes one of the leaders in the act with his lady friend. With that the plague ends, as does the week's Torah Portion.

And the Three Weeks mourning and restrictions begin for the invasion of Jerusalem and destruction of our two Holy Temples. Jewish People have been observing this mourning period for two thousand years. And today, even after experiencing so many miracles from Gd to facilitate the establishment of the State of Israel and our miraculous military victories over vicious enemies, we again hear Jews claiming we aren't strong enough to be fully sovereign in our Land. Also, the plague of intermarriage is  growing. There are even Jews who promote replacing Jewish Israel with Arab Palestine sic. The Israeli Supreme Court has been ordering the destruction of Jewish homes, and Israeli Leftists sympathize with terrorists rather than Jewish victims. In addition, our tax money goes to giving food and medical care to our enemies. All this does is make our enemies more confident, so they attack us more and more.

Where is our Pinchas?


Mr. Cohen said...

The blog moderator asked: Where is our Pinchas?


We had a Pinchas in the 1980s.

He made aliyah and became a member of Knesset.

His party was outlawed and he was forced out of Knesset.

He was constantly attacked and slandered by members
of the modern-day Erev-Rav, and the observant Jews,
who should have known better, were not psychologically
ready to accept a leader who seemed to be very different
from the great Rabbinical leaders of Europe.

His plan – which even Henry Kissinger agreed with – was
to expel Israel’s unappeasable enemies from all of Israel.

If Israel had actually followed that plan,
then it never would have been forced to
unilaterally-withdraw from the entire
strategically-critical Gaza Strip.

Maybe we were unworthy of a leader whose plans
could have saved us from our enemies because
we were unworthy of being saved from our enemies.

Maybe we were unworthy of being saved from
our enemies because too few of us observe Shabbat.

Maybe we were unworthy of being saved from
our enemies because too few of us eat kosher only.

Maybe we were unworthy of being saved
from our enemies because too few of us
love each other the way we should.

Maybe we were unworthy of being saved
from our enemies because too few of us
avoid speaking Lashon HaRa.

Maybe we were unworthy of being saved
from our enemies because too few of us
thank G*D the way we should.

Maybe we were unworthy of being saved
from our enemies because too few of us
opposed the abomination parade.

Maybe we were unworthy of being saved
from our enemies because too few of us
give our synagogues the respect they deserve.

Was Daniel an Orthodox Jew?


Was Isaiah an Orthodox Jew?


Was Ezekiel an Orthodox Jew?


Was Jeremiah an Orthodox Jew?


Was Ezra an Orthodox Jew?


Was Nehemiah an Orthodox Jew?


Was Joshua an Orthodox Jew?


Refuting the Fans of Vashti:


Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah:


Batya said...

Pinchas acted without speaking or involving others, the exact opposite of Kahane who talked and others got into trouble implementing his plans.