Hamas War

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Bernie Sanders is 100% WRONG!

The State of Israel envisioned by Leftists both here and abroad is one that wouldn't survive in the real world. It encourages, strengthens and plays in the hands of our unabashed enemies. Bernie Sanders, J-Street and all those others are horrendously and tragically wrong!
Sanders: One can be pro-Israel and rap its government
It doesn't matter one single iota that they claim to love Israel and be pro-Israel. It just makes their stand more dangerous and more tragic.

Israel is a tiny country surrounded by dangerous enemies which unabashedly proclaim their aim to destroy and replace the only Jewish country in the world. It is impossible, totally unrealistic, illogical to make peace with enemies like that.
Speaking before a conference held by J Street, a liberal Jewish American organization that primarily lobbies for a two-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians, Sanders said that "those of us who support Israel have got to tell the truth about policies that hurt the chances of a peaceful resolution." (Jerusalem Post)
Neither Israel nor the so-called "occupation," sic, is the cause for the tension and terrorism between Israel and her neighbors. Blaming Israel is a totally facetious antisemitic lie, even when said by Jews.

Anyone who reads the history of this part of the world can easily learn that the Jewish People have always had enemies that attempted to invade and destroy us. Yes, quite of few managed to occupy this land, the Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Turks etc., but none of them has ever destroyed us.

The Jewish People/Nation is among the oldest in the History of the World. We keep on returning to our Ancestral Homeland, and each time we must fight our enemies, a new one for each generation.  And, yes, Jews like Sanders and those in J-Street have always been around assimilated into foreign cultures and supporting our enemies.

We are now in the Jewish Month of Adar, and the Holiday of Purim is less than a couple of weeks away. Read the Purim Megillah and see that then most of the Jewish People occupied by Persia were very much like Bernie Sanders, celebrating the rise of King Achashverosh and ignoring the plans of Haman. The Jewish Mordecai had to infiltrate Ester into the royal palace to save the Jewish People.

Stop listening to those drunk on foreign, non-Jewish wine and values.

We must learn from history and not ignore it!

Chodesh Adar Tov!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Why Do We Jews Keep Lying to Ourselves?

I don't think I'll ever understand the pathetic and dangerous worship most American Jews have for the Democratic Party? It has never supported Jewish needs properly. The Democratic idol of many, Franklin Delano Roosevelt did absolutely nothing to rescue and accept Jews fleeing the Nazis. And his successor, Harry S. Truman, was ready to accept the State Department's recommendation to vote against the approval of a Jewish State at the United Nations.

Since then, there hasn't really been any improvement.

Today's Democratic Party is extremely pro-Arab and pro-Palestine, sic. Their pet Jewish organization is J-Street, which promotes the weakening of the State of Israel and the establishment of another judenrein anti-semitic terror state to be called "Palestine."  Don't forget that former USA President Barack Hussein Obama had pledged to facilitate that state and considers his failure to be the worst of his presidency. I wouldn't be surprised if he joins another Israel-hater and former president, Jimmy Carter, to try to "rectify" it.

So, when I read Ruthie Blum's  Alan Dershowitz Following Defeat of DNC Chair Hopeful Keith Ellison: I Will Remain in Democratic Party, But Will Fight for It to Move Away From Anti-Israel, Far-Left Trends in algemeiner, I just couldn't stop thinking of how pathetic such an intelligent man sounds.
Why can't Alan Dershowitz finally see and admit the truth? 
The Democratic Party is not the best party for him and other caring Jews!

I'm not saying that they should join the Republican Party. But I do think that they, led by Dershowitz, should resign from the Democrats. In all honesty, I think that American Jewry would have more power if it wasn't tied to a specific party.
  • American Jewish voters should make it clear that they vote according to issues, background and personalities. 
  • American Jews should make it clear that they donate according to specific issues and if the candidate or cause is associated with antisemitism or anti-Israel policies and groups, they won't get money.
J-Street should be shunned by anyone who really cares for the State of Israel, since its policies, its raison d'être  completely endangers the security, stability and survival of the only Jewish State in existence. Just because they claim to be pro-Israel doesn't mean that it's true.

Yes, this would be very earth-shattering and traumatic for many, but I think it is necessary and would be much better for American Jewry in the long run. 

Sunday, February 26, 2017


a GUEST POST from Mr. Cohen

NOTE: The first four quotes shown below are from Flavius Josephus,
who was born in year 37 CE and was still alive in 81 CE.

In a previous blog post, I quoted Tacticus, the ancient Roman
historian who said that the Temple of the Jews was in Jerusalem. 

My intention was to refute Muslim propagandists who falsely
claim that there was never a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

Now I present four quotes from Josephus, another ancient

Roman historian who mentioned at least four times that
the Temple of the Jews was in Jerusalem: ____________________________________________________________
 “At this point Crassus arrived to take over the governorship of Syria.
For the campaign against the Parthians he removed all the gold from
the Sanctuary in Jerusalem…”

SOURCE: The Jewish War (chapter 1, page 51) by Flavius Josephus,
translated by G.A. Williamson, year 1984, published by Penguin Classics,
ISBN:  0140444203 & 978-0140444209 
“Gaius Caesar’s accession to power so completely turned his head
that he wished to be thought of and addressed as a god, stripped
his country of its noblest men, and proceeded to lay sacrilegious
hands on Judea.  He ordered Petronius to march with an army to
Jerusalem and erect his statues in the Temple: if the Jews refused them,
he was to execute the objectors and enslave all the rest of the population.”

SOURCE: The Jewish War (chapter 7, pages 139 to 140)
by Flavius Josephus, translated by G.A. Williamson, year 1984,
published by Penguin Classics, ISBN:  0140444203 & 978-0140444209 
“…Cumanus, whose governorship was marked by  disturbances
and further disaster to the Jews.  The people had assembled in
Jerusalem for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Roman
cohort stood on guard over the Temple colonnade, armed men always
being on duty at the feasts to forestall any rioting by the vast crowds.”

SOURCE: The Jewish War (chapter 7, pages 143 to 144)
by Flavius Josephus, translated by G.A. Williamson, year 1984,
published by Penguin Classics, ISBN:  0140444203 & 978-0140444209 
 “… the Jerusalem magistrates, rushing out clad in sackcloth
and with ashes poured on their heads, besought them to return
and not to provoke the Romans to attack Jerusalem by
reprisals on the Samaritans: they must spare their country
and their Sanctuary, and their own wives and children…”

SOURCE: The Jewish War (chapter 7, page 145) by
Flavius Josephus, translated by G.A. Williamson, year 1984,
published by Penguin Classics, ISBN:  0140444203 & 978-0140444209 
Cornelius Tacticus, the famous Roman historian who lived
from year 56 CE (approximately) to year 120 CE said:

“Much of Judea is thickly studded with villages,
and the Jews have towns as well. 
Their capital is Jerusalem. 
Here stood their Temple with its boundless riches.”

The Western World (page 141) by Pearson Custom Publishing, 2009 CE

The Histories by Tacitus, The Jews (Book 5), paragraph 8 of 13.
“The Romans took over Judea in [year] 63 BC [Before the Common Era].”

SOURCE: The Fall of the Roman Empire (chapter 1, page 21)
by Rita J. Markel, year 2008, Twenty-First Century Books,
ISBN:  0822559196 ISBN:  9780822559191

Notice that the Romans took over Judea in 63 BC – JUDEA, not Palestine!
When you speak with Christians, tactfully remind them that
Palestinians are NEVER MENTIONED in the Christian Bible,
also known as the Gospel Writings.
CONCLUSION: The Bible and Tacticus and Josephus all say
that the Jewish Temple was in Jerusalem.
People who claim there was no Jewish Temple in Jerusalem are LIARS!

PS: Tacticus and Josephus made numerous mentions of:
Jews, Levites, Pharisees, Essenes, Idumaeans, Syrians,
Sicarii, and Romans in the Holy Land, but they NEVER
mention the Palestinians, because there were NO Palestinians
in the times of Tacticus and Josephus.
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For more information about this subject, please go to:

Jerusalem in Greek and Roman Sources
by Rivkah Fishman-Duker

Quick Bible Quotes from Joshua and Jeremiah:

Ancient Roman historians connected Jews with the Land of Israel and Jerusalem:

Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah:

Why Muslims Hate Jews:

Forgotten Muslim Oppression against Jews:

Seven Times Stronger
(a quick quote about American anti-Semitism during the Holocaust):

How a Reform Rabbi Become Orthodox (true story):

Sephardic Jews Reject Reform Judaism:

Greek NYC Jews and Syrian NYC Jews:

How to Convict the New York Times:

Why Pray for Tzahal-IDF:

How to Pray for Tzahal-IDF:

Why Israel’s 1967 Borders are Undefendable:

Where's the Outrage Over Discrimination Against Jews/Israelis?

Let's be even-handed here. So many people all over the world and especially in the United States condemned POTUS Trump's rather badly and hastily constructed/worded ban on those born in some Muslim countries on entering the United States, but where's the condemnation, the outrage over the ban by many Muslim countries on Jews/Israelis?
Here a list of all the Muslim countries that ban Israeli Jews:
  • Syria
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Yemen
  • Libya 
  • Algeria
  • Bangladesh
  • Brunei
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Malaysia
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Sudan
  • Saudi Arabia
  • United Arab Emirates
This hypocrisy isn't something new. There are Jews who have to hold duplicate passports, because they travel to Israel and to some of the listed countries.

If banning the entrance of certain nationalities and visa/entry stamps is immoral when used against Muslim countries, then the principle must hold when it's used against Jews or Israelis. If it isn't then this is just another sign of widespread international antisemitism and self-hate by some Jews.


a GUEST POST from Mr. Cohen

NOTE: The four quotes shown below are from Flavius Josephus,
who was born in year 37 CE and was still alive in 81 CE.

“It was known even to the Romans that they [the Jews]
did no work of any kind when the seventh day came around…”

SOURCE: The Jewish War (chapter 14, page 241) by Flavius Josephus, translated by G.A. Williamson, 1984, published by Penguin Classics, ISBN:  0140444203 ISBN:  978-0140444209 
“The next day Pilate took his seat on the tribunal in the great stadium
and summoned the mob, on the pretext that he was ready to give them answer.

Instead, he gave a pre-arranged signal to the soldiers to surround the Jews in full armor, and the troops formed a ring three [Roman soldiers] deep.  The Jews were dumbfounded at the unexpected sight, but Pilate, declared that he would cut them to pieces unless they accepted images of Caesar, nodded to their soldiers to bare [reveal] their swords. 

At this the Jews, as though by agreement, fell to the ground in a body and bent their necks, shouting that they were ready to be killed, rather than transgress the Law [of the Torah]. 

Amazed at the intensity of their religious fervor, Pilate ordered the standards to be removed from Jerusalem forthwith.”

SOURCE: The Jewish War (chapter 7, bottom of page 138) by Flavius Josephus, translated by G.A. Williamson, 1984, published by Penguin Classics, ISBN:  0140444203 ISBN:  978-0140444209 
“…Domitian [the Emperor of Rome from year 81 to 96 CE. He was the younger brother of Titus and son of Vespasian] was becoming more and more of a tyrant as his reign proceeded, hostile to converts to Judaism for their refusal to participate in the worship which he as a living emperor demanded…”

SOURCE: The Jewish War (introduction, page 17) by Flavius Josephus, translated by G.A. Williamson, 1984, published by Penguin Classics, ISBN:  0140444203 ISBN:  978-0140444209 
 “At this time the people of Damascus, learning of the destruction of the Roman force, were eager to exterminate the Jews in their midst.  As they had them cooped in the gymnasium for a long time now, taking this precaution as a result of suspicion, the task appeared perfectly simple: but they were afraid of their own wives, who had almost all gone over to the Jewish religion, so that their chief anxiety was to keep them in the dark.”

SOURCE: The Jewish War (chapter 10, page 179) by Flavius Josephus, translated by G.A. Williamson, 1984, published by Penguin Classics, ISBN:  0140444203 ISBN:  978-0140444209 
Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan taught:

“… [in the time of the Roman Empire] it is estimated that there were
over three million Romans who had converted to Judaism…”

SOURCE: Faces and Facets (part I, chapter 3, page 42,
article titled: The Saddest Day) by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan,
year 1993, Moznaim Publishing Corporation, Brooklyn, New York
PLEASE help the battle against
internet anti-Semitism by
making a PayPal donation to:


Ancient Roman historians connected Jews with the Land of Israel and Jerusalem:


Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah:

Forgotten Muslim Oppression against Jews:

Seven Times Stronger
(a quick quote about American anti-Semitism during the Holocaust):

Why Muslims Hate Jews:

Quick Bible Quotes from Joshua and Jeremiah:

How a Reform Rabbi Become Orthodox (true story):

Sephardic Jews Reject Reform Judaism:

Greek NYC Jews and Syrian NYC Jews:

How to Convict the New York Times
of Unfair Bias Against Israel:

Why Pray for Tzahal-IDF:

How to Pray for Tzahal-IDF:

Why Israel’s 1967 Borders are Undefendable:
Pro-Israel Articles from Aish HaTorah:
Articles Refuting the BDS Movement from Aish HaTorah:

Saturday, February 25, 2017

We're Here to Stay!

I just want to make things clear.

Many people all over the world seem to think of me, my neighbors and other Jews living in various towns and cities in Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley and Golan Heights as easily movable pawns or checker pieces.

Part of the Shiloh School Campus
  • First of all, it's not true, and 
  • second of all, we are already over  half a million Jews
  • Considering that many of the communities are about forty years old already, a second and in some caceas a third generation is already raising its family, building homes, schools and businesses in our communities. 
Senior Citizen activities
Today, unlike when we first moved to Shiloh over thirty-five years ago, life in Judea/Samaria is very self-sufficient. One doesn't have to cross the so-called "green line" for almost anything except if you need a hospital. Although we have lots of medical clinics in the "yishuvim," communities and cities, no hospital has been built yet. Remember that the Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus was technically "Israel" during the Jordanian Occupation from 1949-1967.

New homes in Shiloh

fruit in local Shiloh supermarket
There are banks and government offices in the cities and communities. Of course we have all sorts of stores, schools, industries, university, business and more. And since the retirement community/age group is now growing very rapidly, as the pioneers of thirty-forty years ago are now "senior citizens," there are lots of programs for us.

And after almost a half a century after the 1967 Six Days War, even middle-aged Israelis have no idea what the country was like before the war, when it suffered constant terror by Jordan, Syria and Egypt from the other side of the "Armistice lines.

Yes, no doubt that We're Here to Stay!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Dumb Question Re: Elor Azaria Case

Besides all of the issues that everyone, including yours truly, have written about numerous times, there's something that keeps bothering me.
IncidentSite of the shooting, several months before the incident
On 24 March 2016, two Palestinian assailants stabbed an Israeli soldier and moderately wounded him in Tel Rumeida neighborhood of Hebron. Both assailants were shot and seriously wounded by Israeli soldiers.[3] One of the assailants soon died. His companion, Abed al Fatah al-Sharif, lying incapacitated on the road, was shot in the head and killed by Elor Azaria, an IDF medic serving in Shimshon Battalion of the Kfir Brigade.[4][5] A video published by B'tselem, showing an IDF soldier approaching the supine al-Sharif and shooting him in the head from less than two metres,[6] went viral on Israeli social media, sparking controversy.[7] Wikipedia 
How/Why was B'tselem there on the spot?

Yes, it's another of my dumb questions.

I can think of only one reasonable, rational answer to the question of:
How could that photographer been ready at the draw to photograph everything so quickly if he hadn't been involved in the planning and staging of the attack?
We all know that many Arab terrorist attacks in Israel are documented and "egged on" by the media and NGOs. Could this have been the case then, too? And if so, why hasn't this possible involvement been properly investigated by Israeli authorities?

As I'd written in my earlier posts about the attack, I find it worse than suspicious that B'tselem immediately shared silenced videos which were meant to distort the reality of the scene and make Elor  Azaria look much more violent and guilty than he was.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Finally, Consumer Protection and Warnings for Israeli Citizens Over "Green Line"

Israeli citizens like myself, who live over the "Green Line" in communities that are boycotted by some Israeli businesses are getting some legal protection.

I had to buy my washing machine from a repairman who was
an agent for a company in order to get full service coverage.
To explain how we're effectively second class citizens, it has happened to me and many others, that after choosing to purchase something, a store will suddenly announce:
"We don't deliver to ___"
At best they will give the number of someone who charges a lot more than the distance from store to location would normally cost. And then if the appliance or piece of furniture requires some installation or assembly, we have to pay privately and won't get serviced unless we deliver the malfunctioning appliance/furnishings etc. I have also discovered that the standard service renewal offers haven't been sent to me by many companies. That means that after the required/promised service contract, I have to pay privately. I have no other option. After living in Jerusalem over a decade before our move to Shiloh, I found that to be an unpleasant, unexpected and potentially expensive surprise.

Luckily the Jerusalem furniture where
I bought my couch set a number of years ago
delivered to Shiloh without any problems.
Finally, the Knesset has passed a law that requires businesses to at least warn us in advance.
Knesset passes ban on discrimination against settlers
Now, businesses that do not provide services or ship goods to residents of Jewish settlements in the West Bank will be required to clearly state and display that policy. This makes it different from race, gender, etc. The legislation will prevent a business from deliberately misleading customers about where goods or services will be available.
Businesses that fail to properly warn about their policy — for example with a sign of at least A4 size by the cash register — could be fined up to NIS 10,000 ($2,690).
OK the "advance" is at the checkout counter, but that is still better than nothing. And it must be a properly legible size. The best part is that a business that doesn't comply will be fined.

Many of my neighbors have discovered some excellent appliance shops nearby, in Jewish communities, which offer very competitive prices along with excellent service. We plan on patronizing one of them when we redo our kitchen, Gd willing. We were warned that IKEA doesn't deliver full-service assembly to Shiloh, so I'm not even checking them out. 

A half a century after the 1967 Six Days War, there are many Jewish Israeli citizens living here. The distance isn't great nor is the danger when traveling.