Zev Isaac’s tactics are absolutely despicable as he has sent his evangelizing team to disrupt those praying at the Kotel; upset those preparing for Yom Kippur; and he has gone as far as to desecrate the memory of the dead in a Jewish cemetery for PR and marketing purposes.
Evangelizing Christians frequently use their spin on the beliefs of Chabad’s so-called “meshichist” faction to bolster arguments for the legitimacy of “messianic Judaism” in Eretz Yisrael.
At present, numerous Christian sects - who have purportedly abandoned their belief in the trinity, while retaining a belief in jesus as the Jewish messiah - are vying for legitimacy as branches of normative Judaism in Israel. They justify their beliefs by comparing them to the positions of certain factions of Chabad. And Israel’s courts and media are hearing the following from evangelical lawyers representing “messianic jews” in Israel:
"It is about time that they [Orthodox Jews] stop having a monopoly over determining who is a Jew. The beauty of the Jewish world is the diversity. If you can still be considered a Jew even if you believe that the Lubavitch Rebbe [Menachem Mendel Schneerson] is the messiah, the same thing should hold true if you believe Jesus is."
Jewish Israel feels it would be the ultimate desecration of the Rebbe’s name and all of his good work if the meshichist distortion is used by Christian sources to legitimize apostasy in Eretz Yisrael (G-d forbid).
At this troubled time, we respectfully call upon mainline Chabad leaders to take responsibility and issue a clear, unequivocal statement which draws the line between Christianity and Judaism and allays all misconceptions about Chabad’s beliefs.
Chabad is no stranger to optimistic and effective PR campaigns. Their messages often have universal appeal and are infused with special warmth, wisdom and Jewish humor. But this is no laughing matter. Jewish Israel hopes that responsible parties within Chabad will answer our challenge.
This is a report that should be read in full.
Happy Hanukah from Jewish Israel.
Tell the truth and you won't have xtian missionaries. Here is a website that even, yes, haRav Mordechi Eliyahu blessed some 25 years ago of which you can get a copy of the letter from his office.
www.netzarim.co.il so you can study what history took place, the cover up, the lies, what Gamliel II did due to the apostates in the Jewish community.
Just remember, he too will reincarnate, like it or not.
Before the slander begins, just read the facts, attempt to dispute the facts and then sit back in shock of what even we have kept quiet about.
I am not affiliated with the website but he has the history down to a science. I had Charedi friends veryify with the Rav whether or not this is kosher and they where shocked.
Truth is hard to swollow sometimes for everyone, but you would completely eliminate our problem with the xtians and their pagan lie. Just get rid of your ego's and research instead of slandering a kosher Torah Jew.
I have spoken to several big gun anti-missionaries who cannot dispute anything that's on the website. The only thing he leaves out is reincarnation which he does not believe in, which actually most Jews do.
Just base it on facts, nothing else, if you are able.
Chanukah Sameach
interesting blog
Missionary poster "shiloh" is back!
Now it's a bit clearer. He's a fan of crackpot Paqid Yirmiyahu. These folks believe that - assuming jesus even existed some 2000 years ago - it's worthwhile worshipping him as either a dead human messiah who will return or as some form of pagan deity, just another earlier flavor than what christianity evolved into.
If you want "history down to a science", visit The Jesus Puzzle.
You phony dead Jew on a stick was most likely a pagan myth, or just a plain nobody pasted into a pagan myth.
Just the facts. Indeed, for folks like Shiloh, hard to swallow.
Sadly, we Jews just have to laugh at your nonsense.
Ellen: It's heartbreaking to read about these evangelicals taking advantage of the warmth and generosity of Chabad. True, a small majority of them believe the rebbe was moshiach, but they never believed he was also G-d.
And the Rambam's 13 Principles of Faith due site a belief in the coming of moshiach and tehiyat hamesim as fundamental concepts of Judaism...but Christianity has no real understanding of that at all!
Of course JC never met any of the requirements of moshiach and certainly wasn't G-d. Echad means echad.
In fact, I know Jews who are too uncomfortable to learn about moshiach and tehiyat hamesim because it sounds too christian.
They need to know the truth. And rabbis need to teach the truth about what Judaism teaches so that Jews aren't duped by missionaries.
Shy Guy: I couldn't help but to lash out at Shiloh after her very mean-spirited comment to me on another Jewish Israel post here in which she told me not to comment about a club (Judaism/Jews) that I was not a part of.
Shy Guy II:
For what it's worth I think some Jewish guy 2000 years ago went around calling himself god, got killed by the Romans and his fanatical followers turned him into a hero.
That's how most religious cults are formed.
The whole madonna and child and yule log, decorated tree are all pagan symbols which the early xtians incoporated into their religion.
If you watch a winter solstice (sp) Wiccan video on You Tube you'll see that it looks almost exactly like an xmas video.
After watching one of those videos and walking around my neighborhood all I could think of was wanting to shout PAGAN to all of them.
At least the Wiccans call themselves pagans. Xtians think they've been grafted into Judaism.
Chag Sameach to everyone at Jewish Israel. G-d bless you all for your work!
Keli Ata,
Thanks, as always, for your insights and good wishes.
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