Hamas War

Thursday, October 26, 2006

It's all about selling soup

How else can we understand Foreign Minister Tzippi Livne's latest scheme?
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is working with public relations people to help the country create a new image.

All superficial, no values, no depth.

How about just being Jewish?

How about saying that if anyone attacks us we shoot back? And do it! No idle threats!

How about getting the respect of the world, because we respect ourselves?

It's not that hard. Why don't they ask me. I'll earn my keep, unlike Mrs. Aliza (PM's wife) Olmert, who received a "salary" of 240,000 shekels in the year 2004 - though employees don't remember her, and the job doesn't appear on her resume.

And about soup, you should try my vegetable soup with knaidelach!

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