Hamas War

Monday, October 9, 2006

Corruption- with an "O" like in OLMERT!

Olmert picture credit

Years ago, OK, decades ago, when I was studying dance, we were taught that if we fell or made a mistake, to always smile and "recover" showing the confidence, as if it was all part of the choreography.

That's how Olmert rules. He always has a smile and moves with confidence, never, ever admitting that he's wrong.

Most people make their judgments according to superficial observations. Confidence rules, and that's how Olmert is succeeding. He exudes confidence and competence.

When Olmert first became the Mayor of Jerusalem, the "elite," the Teddy Kollek fans were totally horrified. They did everything in their extensive powers to rile him and rid the city of that "Likudnik." Teddy was king of the Jerusalem establishment. He had been mayor when Jerusalem metamorphosed from a plagued and terrorized backwater to the "Golden" capital of Jerusalem. How could the thankless Jerusalemites vote against him and for Olmert?

I must admit that at the time, I thought that Olmert was a good change from the already elderly Teddy. Yes, sometimes I'm wrong.

As Mayor of Jerusalem, Olmert honed his powers and collected markers from the moneyed and powerful. And now he has begun to cash them in and at the same time collect even more. Yes, he's a real pro, unfortunately. Remember that it is human nature for people to be attracted to powerful and confident people. That's why it will be exceedingly difficult to oust him from office.

All we can hope for is that his over-confidence will topple him, like King David wrote about the evil being stabbed by their own swords.

His Winograd Committee is a case in point. With his legendary confidence, Olmert appointed a committee to "investigate" himself. This isn't the innocence of Chelm. It's more like 1984, or worse.

Do you think I exaggerate? I wish that were the case. Not only has Olmert appointed the committee, instead of having an "independent impartial commission," it has even been given its own public relations official, Moti Seraf, who did PR for IDF during Lebanon war.

And just in case you're curious as to how the Winograd Committee is functioning, it's just providing a forum for Olmert, Livne and Peretz to explain themselves, make excuses. It's not investigating anything at all.

Last week on TV there was an interview with Yaakov Hasdai, who had been on the Agranat Commission, which investigated the Yom Kippur War, 1973. He is horrified at the farcial conduct of the Winograd Committee, which instead of checking facts, protocols, minutes of meetings, it's just being used as a forum for the politicians to spout their stories.

I'm not going to say that it will be easy, but our job is to wipe that smile off of Olmert's face and save our country.

Chag Sameach
Harachamanu Yakim et Succat David Hanofalet
May the Merciful G-d Raise up David's Fallen Kingdom
(my translation)

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