Gilad Shalit Gilad ben Aviva
My heart goes out to him, his family and friends.
There was a time when Israel was known as the country that didn't leave soldiers behind. We had heroes who would risk everything to save another. There was idealism, not pragmatism. There was a time I was proud to be an Israeli.
A friend who served in the Israeli Army in the 1960's told me of successful army actions that boggles the imagination. We had confidence, chutzpah and the magic siyat d'Shmaya. All that's left is the siyat d'Shmaya, but it's not enough. G-d is waiting for us to want to be saved. We need that confidence, chutzpah and vision.
Exactly right Batya. We need to make the first move, and Hashem does the rest.
And we'll just have to drag everyone along with us, mama. Are you ready?
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