Hamas War

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

History From The Future

Today's the Kadima Primary. Ehud Olmert is supposed to resign and place the reigns in the hands of the winner. But will he really be gone? The ramifications of his decisions and agreements will haunt us for a very long time, and that's if we survive.

Survive, good question.

On one hand I have no doubts that we will, but the rational, the logical in me sees how much Olmert has undermined our security. I think of the awful and dangerous and expensive mess Jerusalem is now in, after his reign as Mayor. No doubt he will leave the State of Israel in a similar situation.

It won't be pleasant. It won't be pretty.

We, the Jewish People and our HolyLand, have survived many enemies in our past.

Jewish History is full of amazing stories, and I'm sure that in a hundred and in a thousand years people will still talk of how the Jewish People missed the great opportunities G-d gave with His miraculous gifts from the 1967 Six Days War, but then despite the foolish and the seditious, small bands of Torah and Eretz Yisrael patriots persevered and survived. Finally, because of their great idealism, they defeated their greatest enemies, fellow Jews, who were happy to leave the HolyLand to those who truly treasured it. And once the Arabs realized that the Jews in power were not going to give up, they, too, left settling in the oil-rich Arab countries.

G-d willing, but it's up to us.

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