Hamas War

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Instead of A Sermon, There Was A... Fire Drill

Davka, such timing.  Just when it had been revealed that one of the causes of the really big mess when the BP oil rig exploded was because they had the alarm off,m as not to disturb people.  Well, aren't alarms supposed to wake people up.  OK, sometimes there are false alarms, but sometimes it's the real thing.

The suburban synagogue my relatives attend is hypersensitive to the dangers of fire.  That's the reason most people gave for the unprecedented fire drill.  It had been announced the week before, and today's wasn't introduced by a bell.  There was a simple, calm detailed announcement explaining where each seating section should exit.  As we stood outside in the parking lot, people seemed disappointed that there weren't any fire trucks, firemen or police observing and approving.  At least it wasn't raining. 

I wonder if they'll ever dare to do a surprise drill.  I think they're afraid to frighten the congregants.  This community knows that nobody is immune to deadly fires, so they're taking precautions as seriously as they can.

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is massive, and the repercussions will spread further than the oil.  You can't skimp on safety.  When my father lived with us, the local doctor always said that she doesn't mind being called for false alarms.  They're a lot better than bad news.  Apparently, the BP crew didn't think so.

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