Hamas War

Monday, February 1, 2010

Know Your Enemy

We're in big trouble, because most people don't listen to what our enemies are saying.  The Pseudostinians, aka Palestinians sic, speak very clearly.  I suggest you check out the PMW-Palestinian Media Watch.

Instead of projecting one's innocent good intentions, listen to what the Arabs are saying, hearing and preaching.
PATV sermon: "Jews are enemies of Allah and humanity - Kill them"

The only ones who can stop it are in the Israeli Government.  If our government was to firmly refuse all negotiations leading to a Pseudostinian aka Palestinian sic state the pressure from the rest of the world would stop.  They are pressuring us because they know we're weak.  They don't pressure strong confident governments.  It's not up to Obama, it's up to Bibi Netanyahu.
Israel's very existence is in danger if their plans are realized.  The "two state solution" is a recipe for disaster.


Anonymous said...

totally agree.


Yonatan said...

True, but placing your reliance on the Israeli gov't. isn't going to cut it. Of course it is all from Hashem, but we have to do our part. This means pressuring them to do the right things, talking to others about what is happening and how to counteract the measures that gov't is currently undertaking that weakens us.

Batya said...

Aviva, thanks

yonatan, "reliance?" They are responisble, but they're not doing their job. My blogging is some of the pressure, the campaign, on them.