Hamas War

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Baruch Dayan HaEmet

Our beeper just went off a few minutes ago. And now I took off a name from my list of friends who need our prayers. P'nina Perla bat Sofia Zlata lost her battle to live two years after getting that dreaded diagnosis.

In a couple of hours we will gather at our neighborhood shul and then go to the Shiloh Cemetery. And then her family, husband, children and siblings will have the week before Rosh Hashannah to sit shiva.

Pinina worked for many years as a gannenet, nursery school teacher. Her eldest son was murdered by Arab terrorists a few years ago.

At the time she was discovering that she was ill, she was privileged to be with her daughter in the delivery room for the birth of her second grandchild.

The last few times I saw her, she was only concerned with others, their health and trying to arrange "matches."

HaMakom y'nachem...

May G-d comfort the mourners...

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