Hamas War

Thursday, August 23, 2007

CNN Distorts God's Jewish Warriors by Yakov Dov

This letter to the editor about CNN's "God's Jewish Warriors" was written by one of my correspondents.

To: Times Union Editor
Subject: CNN Distorts God's Jewish Warriors

CNN aired their TV documentary God’s Warriors, 8/21, first focusing on Jews. They had a biased selective view, distorting history and the current Mideast conflict.

CNN never mentioned that Arab leaders urged local Arabs to flee Palestine during Israel’s 1948 war of independence so that 5 Arab armies could destroy Israel. This resulted in over 700,000 Palestinian Arab refugees that the Arab League refused to repatriate, and used as pawns and terrorists in their struggle to destroy Israel, which still continues .
CNN never noted that Israel only has about 20% of the lands of Palestine, Jordan occupying about 80%, and that there were former Jewish settlements in the West Bank destroyed by Jordan in 1948-49.
CNN never mentioned that during that time until the mid 50’s, Arab nations expelled about 800,000 Jews who lost their homes and property. Israel resettled these refugees.
CNN never mentioned that the PLO was formed in 1964 who’s charter is to destroy Israel. Fatah and Hamas still have the same goals. Egypt and Jordan controlled Gaza and the West Bank and there was no quest for a Palestinian state then, why? We only heard of Palestinians Arab nationality after the 1967 defensive war, after Israel reclaimed her former homelands.
CNN mainly focused on the Jewish settler “underground” a small group of people who used violence and were arrested and imprisoned, not representative of the majority of these people who are peaceful “revenants”, who returned to their ancient homeland.
CNN never mentioned that surveys reveal that about ¾ of Palestinian Arabs subscribe to terror and Israel’s destruction.
CNN pictured the Jerusalem Mufti as a peaceful person in a suit, claiming exclusive rights to the Temple Mount, and lying about a historic Jewish presence there. They never showed him in his religious garb preaching hate and terror and murder against Jews, and calling them pigs and apes. He was following in the footsteps of the former Mufti, Arafat’s uncle Haj Al-Husseini, who was an ally of Hitler, and a WW2 war criminal.
CNN showed Dov Hikind,a NYS Assemblyman and others, also Christians, who donated moneys to settler communities in Israel. They depict these Christians as religious fanatics. They also showed Jimmy Carter who denounced Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands. However they failed to mention the millions of dollars that Carter received from Arabs for his library. They also showed similar criticism by former Secretary of State James Baker, but failed to mention that he was a lobbyist for the Saudis.
Jerusalem was always the capital of Israel, for thousands of years, and was divided by Jordan in 1949, when Jews were excluded from their holy places, many of which were destroyed and desecrated. Israel reunited Jerusalem in 1967.

CNN has a long record of bias to Israel, as documented by others such as CAMERA. They also have significant Arab stockholders and a seemingly biased owner.

Christine Amanpour of CNN promotes the basic lie that it is the settlements that inflame the Arab world, and not the existence of Israel; she repeats the canard about Jewish money and power in America. She also further characterizes religious Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria as fanatics by focusing on Jewish religious symbols that many don’t understand.

Israel occupies only her own homelands set forth by the Bible and their historic rights to such lands, also recognized in the Balfour declaration. Britain created Jordan on the former lands of Palestine to establish their hegemony in the MidEast. Contrary to the biased CNN, UN, and some other legal opinions, there are sound arguments that Israel’s settlements in Judea and Samaria are legal, and not on occupied Arab lands.

If peace is to be achieved in the MidEast, the Palestinians must end their barbaric reign of terror, adopt democratic ways, and educate their children in science, business ,medicine etc, not in terror and the destruction of Israel.

Yakov Dov

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