Hamas War

Thursday, October 5, 2006

It gets "worser and worser"

I don't know if you cook vegetables, but the situation here in Israel is like when you buy a nice big cabbage, (picture credit,) even though you know it's not perfect. Just like these, with the bug holes in the leaves. You hope that it's just a problem with the outside leaves, so you start peeling the leaves off (before soaking and checking again and again.) Sometimes the inner leaves are whole, complete, no sign of infestation, but sometimes the inner leaves look worse than the outer, and there's only one solution--dump it.

Recently when I hear the news I think of that rotten cabbage. It doesn't matter how many leaves we take off, the inside is even more infested with corruption, incompetence and possibly worse.

Every revelation about our government is worse than the previous one. Hat tip to Moshe Burt Amir Peretz isn't qualified to have had been appointed Defense Minister, but it looks like it was all the recent military leaders who got us into this mess. The army is run by "yes men" chasing their tails. If someone finally speaks up, he's sacked.

Ambitious politicians, like Tzachi Hanegbi, are yo-yo-ing as they jockey for positions closer to the right as they ready themselves for the next elections:
"The disengagement neither contributed to the security (of Israel) nor to peace," Hanegbi said in an interview broadcast on Israel Radio.

Now, even if he didn't have "legal problems," how can we trust him after he turncoated and supported Disengagement?

It's bad enough when you find yourself listening to "very personal" conversations as people shout into their cell phones, and in some cases even have the other side on "loud speaker" to reduce radiation in the ear. But to think that the military authorities haven't been paying attention to the obvious that it's easy for "spies" to listen into IDF beepers, cell phones and worse.

And: If everyone agrees that there is a need for a strong NSC, why has this not come about? The state comptroller's report shows serious faults in the way the country is run and decisions are made.

It's time to stop looking for good leaves in this cabbage. Let's cook something else. This isn't the mindset one should have before Zman Simchateinu, Succot, the Festival of Our Joy. This year it begins on Shabbat, the day of the week when we turn off the worries of the mundane. And that is what we'll have to do.

Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom

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