Yes, I guess that it's never too late. Is that the right opening? Decades ago, after I had been a National officer in NCSY, National Conference of Synagogue Youth, of the UOJCA, I was not voted into the Ben Zakkai Honor Society.
Suddenly and totally unexpectedly I discovered a few months ago that I had been re-nominated. First of all I had no idea that such a procedure existed. I was certain that once rejected, always rejected, like a lifetime immunization. And there's no reason to play with suspense, I was voted in.
G-d willing, I'll be at the "big dinner" in New York next month, so if you can find it in your plans to attend, please do.
If the picture doesn't work, here's the text of the invitation:
You are cordially invited to attend the10th Annual Ben Zakkai Honor Society Scholarship Reception
Sunday, January 15, 2006 at 5:00 pm
Lincoln Square Synagogue200 Amsterdam Avenue, New York City
Reserve Online!
Rabbi Solomon &Esther Freilich, Enid & Harold H. Boxer Memorial Award
Shari Greenberg-Gold, Ezra Ben-Zion Lightman Memorial Award
Linda & Steven Brizel, Rabbi Pinchas and Rebbetzin Elaine Stolper Alumni Service Award
Special presentations to Ben Zakkai’s newest members
Rebecca Hochster
Irwin N. Lowi
Batya Medad
Nahum Zak
Hillary Zimmern
Featuring a guest shiur by Rabbi Zev Leff
Reserve Online!
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