Domino's the international food business got burnt when some misguided employees thought it would be funny to pretend to send out disgustingly tainted food, with the whole production filmed and then youtubed.
What started as a prank ended up in prison for two thirty-something employees. And Domino's is busy trying to put the cat back in the bag. Once words are said and images are broadcast, they're hard to erase. According to Jewish Law, repenting after saying forbidden things about someone requires locating each person who heard. It seems like Domino's management is discovering this the hard way. While the perpetrators of the crime are in custody of the police, the pizza company has to wipe up the sauce. I guess it's easier to throw the pizza.
I heard about this story. Sounds like something straight out of the asylum. What's wrong with this world? Maybe we need to travel to space in search of distant galaxies to settle.
(A little tired after Pesach)
Eitan, most of the workers are getting minimum wage, and if you're in your thirties and paid like a high school student, you may not be the brightest.
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