Modern anti-Semitism = anti-Israel agenda is now seen in the accusations of IDF War Crimes. It doesn't matter that facts on the ground prove no such crimes happened.
The truth is that Israeli soldiers are endangered in order to protect enemy Arabs. No other country has such a policy. I'd call it an idiotic, even suicidal policy.
This may sound strange to non-believers, but the reason that there have been "disproportionate" death tolls is that miracles happen. G-d protects us. It was seen in the Gulf War of George Bush I. Iraq launched dozens and dozens of rockets and missiles at Israel which damaged homes, but miraculously barely harmed people. One death was a heart attack. Then towards the end of the war, one of those very same rockets hit an American army barracks and close to twenty Americans were killed.
Prior to the modern State of Israel, the favorite anti-Semitic accusation was the "Blood Libel." Over the last thousand years, this has been a favorite of Jew-haters. There's nothing rational in it of course. They never let the fact that blood is forbidden to Jews prevent those accusations from spreading and being believed.
No surprise that the Arabs have adopted it, too.
Not that we shouldn't give thanks for the miracles, (Gush Katif witnessed "open miracles" every day for six years, so I'm not disputing that at all), but we also shouldn't forget that the Arabs use human shields. During and after the latest war in Gaza time and time again the terrorists made their headquarters in crowded civilian centers, and then blamed civilian deaths on the IDF, which went so far as to warn non-combatants before every attack, even as non-combatant Sederot was being bombarded by missiles from Gaza.
Hag kasher v'sameah!
there was hardly an audience at this performance, so i wonder if it was that influential. i dont think you can prove anything from this video.
Hadassa, thanks for adding the additional facts.
a, if this was atypical of what has been documented previously, it would be something, but it's consistent.
Anonymous said...
there was hardly an audience at this performance
In case you missed the text at the beginning, this was broadcast on Hamas' TV station.
Time to check the Nielsen ratings!
But you just keep on "wondering". Yeh. Do that.
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