Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the Jewish Month is traditionally the women's holiday. So, take off a bit of time and enjoy the opportunity to pray with us. We meet every Rosh Chodesh at Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh for a very special prayer experience. Remember that it was here in Shiloh where the Biblical Hannah prayed for a son she wanted not for herself, but to dedicate to the Jewish People as a leader. The Jewish Laws of Prayer are modeled after how she prayed.
Our dovening is individual except that we sing Hallel out loud together. If you'd like more information, then please email me with "Rosh Chodesh" as subject,

Rosh Chodesh Adar 5778
Friday, February 16, 2018
1st of Adar, 5778, 8:30am
Hallel and Musaf for Rosh Chodesh
Tour of Tel Shiloh
Dvar Torah, Short Torah Lesson
Please come and invite family, friends and neighbors.
תפילת נשים ראש חודש אדר בשילה הקדומה, תל שילה
יום ו' 16-02-2018
א' אדר, תשע"ח 8:30
הלל ומוסף לראש חודש
יהיה דבר תורה קצר וסיור בתל
כדאי לבוא ולהזמין חברות, משפחה ושכנות
The religious and archeological site of Shiloh Hakeduma is open to the public six days a week, Sunday-Friday. For more information, email or See you Rosh Chodesh!
1 comment:
May the Jewish women who participate in
the Women's Prayers at Shiloh HaKeduma
only increase in numbers and never decrease.
May the G_d of Israel listen to their prayers and praises.
If you really want to know why Muslims hate Israel and America,
then I emphatically recommend this book:
They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It by Brigitte Gabriel, year 2008, year 2010, St. Martin’s Press, 288 pages, ISBN 0312571283, ISBN 9780312571283.
Every page of this book is worth reading – twice — and this book contains dozens of paragraphs that are worthy of being quoted verbatim.
If you cannot get your hands on this book, the at least do yourself the favor of checking out Brigitte Gabriel’s web sites:
Last but not least, Brigitte Gabriel’s books and web sites reveal critical facts about Islam and Muslims and Israel that the Leftist-dominated news media DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW, because the Leftists are the loyal allies of the Muslims and the Arabs.
PS: Please check out these pro-Israel web sites:
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