Hamas War

Monday, February 27, 2017

Why Do We Jews Keep Lying to Ourselves?

I don't think I'll ever understand the pathetic and dangerous worship most American Jews have for the Democratic Party? It has never supported Jewish needs properly. The Democratic idol of many, Franklin Delano Roosevelt did absolutely nothing to rescue and accept Jews fleeing the Nazis. And his successor, Harry S. Truman, was ready to accept the State Department's recommendation to vote against the approval of a Jewish State at the United Nations.

Since then, there hasn't really been any improvement.

Today's Democratic Party is extremely pro-Arab and pro-Palestine, sic. Their pet Jewish organization is J-Street, which promotes the weakening of the State of Israel and the establishment of another judenrein anti-semitic terror state to be called "Palestine."  Don't forget that former USA President Barack Hussein Obama had pledged to facilitate that state and considers his failure to be the worst of his presidency. I wouldn't be surprised if he joins another Israel-hater and former president, Jimmy Carter, to try to "rectify" it.

So, when I read Ruthie Blum's  Alan Dershowitz Following Defeat of DNC Chair Hopeful Keith Ellison: I Will Remain in Democratic Party, But Will Fight for It to Move Away From Anti-Israel, Far-Left Trends in algemeiner, I just couldn't stop thinking of how pathetic such an intelligent man sounds.
Why can't Alan Dershowitz finally see and admit the truth? 
The Democratic Party is not the best party for him and other caring Jews!

I'm not saying that they should join the Republican Party. But I do think that they, led by Dershowitz, should resign from the Democrats. In all honesty, I think that American Jewry would have more power if it wasn't tied to a specific party.
  • American Jewish voters should make it clear that they vote according to issues, background and personalities. 
  • American Jews should make it clear that they donate according to specific issues and if the candidate or cause is associated with antisemitism or anti-Israel policies and groups, they won't get money.
J-Street should be shunned by anyone who really cares for the State of Israel, since its policies, its raison d'être  completely endangers the security, stability and survival of the only Jewish State in existence. Just because they claim to be pro-Israel doesn't mean that it's true.

Yes, this would be very earth-shattering and traumatic for many, but I think it is necessary and would be much better for American Jewry in the long run. 


Mr. Cohen said...

Keith Ellison, an anti-Israel Muslim, became Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee by a UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE of Democratic National Committee members, according to Wikipedia.

It has been around seven years since I quit the Democratic Party and joined the Conservative Party, which is the ONLY American political party that opposes the appalling abomination of so-called "gay marriage".

And how much longer can Jews live in a country where an anti-Israel Muslim becomes Deputy Chair of a major political party by a UNANIMOUS VOTE?

PS: How to Convict the New York Times
of Unfair Bias Against Israel:


Batya said...

I am glad to be living in Israel. Problems here are nothing compared to the USA.

Jesterhead45 said...

Why? It is the same answer why people readily believe every libel and false accusation against Jews and Israel, because they WANT to.

OnlineCommentingGuy said...

Didn't Truman recognize Israel directly against the State Department and "popular opinion", inspired by the biblical example of Cyrus? Isn't Truman a hero?

Batya said...

Jester, yup
Online, that wasn't the reason he did it. A Jewish friend came and put personal pressure on him.