Hamas War

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Start Listening! Stop Projecting!

Our enemies near and far aren't at all shy about saying what they are planning and thinking. The problem is that the Israeli media, government and politicians give us fokokt versions of what they are hoping the Arabs are really saying. There has been no change in the Arab agenda. Just like during the lead up to the 1967 Six Days War, when Nasser said that his aim was to drive Israel and the Jews into the sea, today's Arab enemies of Israel plan our destruction.

Lebanese cartoon of Nasser kicking Israel into the Seawww.sixdaywar.co.uk

Israel's biggest problem is that instead of taking the Arabs seriously, the Leftist media and politicians even in the so-called Center keep on insisting that such policy can be negotiated away. They interpret all the very clear threats, plans and predictions according to their own feelings and agenda.

The Arabs, who are called by many Palestinians sic, are very blunt, and we should be listening to what they say.
Palestinian PM: We've experienced direct talks, and they were a failure
The Palestinians are hoping for "a new framework," negotiations that would include a deadline for the withdrawal of Israeli troops and the establishment of a Palestinian state. (Jerusalem Post)
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu should take this seriously and stop all of his fantasizing about how he can either
  • make conditions for a Palestinian sic state so difficult they'd give up or
  • manage to get them to accept a fake state that Israel would have control over, like the conditions now. 
Neither of those scenarios will ever happen!

That's because pretty much the entire world has been conspiring rather publicly to facilitate the establishment of a State of Palestine and let Israel be damned. Yes, that's exactly what they think.
Israel says U.N. grants Hamas-linked group NGO statusPalestinian PM Says US Coordinating With France on UN Palestinian State Resolution
Just like the world was silent and acquiesced to to the creeping Nazi discrimination later Holocaust of European Jewry and only fought the Nazis when Germany invaded other European countries during the 1930's and 1940's, no foreign country will do anything at all to rescue the State of Israel. Dream on if you think otherwise. You'll find yourself slaughtered in bed.

We must wake up and fight it! It won't be easy, but we have no choice if we want to stay alive and keep the State of Israel. At least we have one ally, and that is G-d. If G-d hadn't helped us in 1948, there never would have had been a State of Israel, and if G-d hadn't helped us in 1967, we would have been defeated and driven into the sea.

I say all of this as a pragmatist, as a realist!!


Anonymous said...

One of your best articles Batya. You are right, we have God, but we need a unifying factor that in my opinion has already been revealed in the last 13 years now. But we don't want because he might be for God, but not the derech that has transpired. We are in this mess because we ignore God. But I promise you that God has sent the answer and is waiting for you all to respond.

Shiloh said...

Oops, forgot to put my name.

Batya said...

Thank you.share if you really agree

Anonymous said...

The best article!

Jews need to study psychology of goyim. As we say, first know your enemy.

Re We are in this mess because we ignore God. But I promise you that God has sent the answer and is waiting for you all to respond. -- yes ,it's guaranteed in the torah that in the end of the end of the end we will all do teshuva and will merit huge nissim but the means may not be pretty.

We need kiruv with special emphasis on strengthening our emuna and bitachon, every day.

Netivotgirl said...

Excellent post with every word glowing with reality and emet! I wish we could get YOU into the cabinet! Bravo for telling the truth that unfortunately most people choose to ignore Batya!

Batya said...

A teshuva is avodat Hashem working for Gd. Gd will match us plus.
ng thank you. It means a lot to me that you agree.

Anonymous said...

I probably sound like a broken record when it comes to this:( The Hamas Charter hasn't and will never change.

I agree NG, she would make a wonderful MK.


Batya said...

Keli, yes about Hamas, thanks, good to hear from you.