According to the latest poll,
popularity for a Palestinian sic state is slipping among both Arabs and Jews here, while the Europeans, Americans etc. are more and more adamant that there should be one.
Jerusalem (AFP) - A joint Israeli-Palestinian poll published Thursday shows dwindling support on both sides for a Palestinian state alongside Israel as a solution to the conflict. (Yahoo News)
So maybe it should be established where it would be most welcome, like in Europe or the USA. There's certainly more room there than here, and there are many, many Arabs in those places who identify themselves as "Palestinians."
When I take into account all of the Arabs, from Ramallah, Shechem, nearby villages and tourists from Jordan and other Arab countries who happily work (
not the tourists) and shop in Rami Levy and Yafiz, Sha'ar Binyamin where I work, I have no doubt that they are very happy to be part of Israel and have easy access to Jewish stores and employment opportunities.
Rami Levy Discount Supermarket, Sha'ar Binyamin, June, 2015 |
There are times when the vast majority of customers are Arabs. The other night right before closing, some Arabs came in, and when I told them that there was no time to shop, because we were about to close, one said:
"You have to give me some time to shop. I came all the way from Nablus (Shechem) and I can't come very often."
Yes, they are polite to us and demand proper manners from their kids when in the store.
I have no doubt that our big security problems come from the encouragement the terrorists get from the
United Nations and their dangerously fokokt and inaccurate reports about what happens in Israel, like the report about last summer's war.
A former commander of British forces in Afghanistan warned on Thursday that the recent U.N. report on the 2014 Gaza war was likely to embolden terrorists and cause violence.
“It pains me greatly to see words and actions from the United Nations that can only provoke further violence and loss of life. The United Nations Human Rights Council report on last summer’s conflict in Gaza … will do just that,” wrote Col. Richard Kemp in an op-ed for the New York Times. (Algemeiner)
The pressure for a Palestinian sic state comes from abroad and not from local Arabs. And
funding, both directly and indirectly, come from foreign governments.
Among those on board [the flotilla] will be former Tunisian president Moncef Marzouki, Spanish MEP Ana Maria Miranda Paza and Arab-Israeli MK Basel Ghattas (Joint List), whose planned presence has triggered widespread controversy in Israel.
But another potentially controversial aspect of the flotilla that has been largely overlooked is the role played by European government-funded NGOs.
The Platform of French NGOs for Palestine is an umbrella organization for more than 40 anti-Israel groups, and is very active in the so-called BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanctions) movement against Israel. Among other things, the Platform demands an end to all agreements and relations between the European Union and Israel.
It is also a regular recipient of French taxpayers' money, via the French Development Agency (Agence Française de Développement or AFD), a public aid agency which works on behalf of the French government to carry out "sustainable development programs" around the world. (Arutz 7)
As I've written many times, the world is against the State of Israel, and that irrational antipathy is fueled by antisemitism. There is nothing we can do to stop it, other than to defy their demands and not let them dictate to us. Only by our being strong and defiant can we get them to leave us alone. Like ally bully-victim relationship, the bully only stops when the victim stops acting like a victim.
Let those who are lobbying for a Palestinian state have it in their territory. No doubt the ideology would lose its luster even in "Medinat Tel Aviv," if Leftists would realize that they'd be losing their homes to the Arab terrorists.
Shabbat Shalom u'Mevorach
Have a Peaceful and Blessed Shabbat