Here's the poster. I hadn't been hearing much about it, and finally saw a poster yesterday when I was waiting for a ride to Ofra to babysit. I went over every name and decided not to go.
After seeing how Moetzet YESHA perverted and distorted and misled the anti-Disengagement campaign I'm now very suspicious. And unfortunately it's a good thing I read the names.. They are all from the government coalition, at least almost all.
Now, if you remember correctly, I refused to vote for any political party that campaigns that it wants to be in the coalition. I feel it necessary that in the Israeli system there must be a Right opposition We don't have one anymore. Arieh Eldad and Michael Ben-Ari didn't pass the threshold, the minimum votes needed to get a couple of Knesset seats.
NRP aka Bayit Yehudi-Jewish Home and Likud kept campaigning that they needed to be in the coalition to influence the government. Nu, they're in and what influence do they have? Nada, nothing zilch! What a waste of votes! So now they're calling for a giant rally to kvetch that although they got what they want they still don't have any real power. They're complaining that Bibi doing what he said he would or wouldn't do...
What do they really want form us? They got your votes! They didn't get mine. Now they are where they asked to be. And what happened. They were used. They were used? No, YOU WERE USED!. All of you who voted for NRP and Likud were used to puff up Bibi!!. And I don't believe for one instant that we'd be in this mess if Likud and NRP weren't in power. Bibi in the opposition would be the fiery mother lion keeping Shelly and Tsipi in their places, far from the pressure and influence of Obama and Kerry.
If Strook, Hotobelli, Katz etc really cared, they would leave the coalition and form an opposition from the Right. And if they had really, really cared about the Land of Israel, they would have united with Eldad and Ben-Ari and run as a large opposition party explain that their role would be to safeguard the Land of Israel from the Knesset.
In the coalition they are in a noose aka "coalition discipline." They must vote with the government or they lose their "company cars."
When it comes to politicians I'm an awful cynic, sorry. I have more to do than to listen to their platitudes and empty words.
G-d must save us, because the humans in charge are wasting their free will and going the wrong way.
After seeing how Moetzet YESHA perverted and distorted and misled the anti-Disengagement campaign I'm now very suspicious. And unfortunately it's a good thing I read the names.. They are all from the government coalition, at least almost all.
Now, if you remember correctly, I refused to vote for any political party that campaigns that it wants to be in the coalition. I feel it necessary that in the Israeli system there must be a Right opposition We don't have one anymore. Arieh Eldad and Michael Ben-Ari didn't pass the threshold, the minimum votes needed to get a couple of Knesset seats.
NRP aka Bayit Yehudi-Jewish Home and Likud kept campaigning that they needed to be in the coalition to influence the government. Nu, they're in and what influence do they have? Nada, nothing zilch! What a waste of votes! So now they're calling for a giant rally to kvetch that although they got what they want they still don't have any real power. They're complaining that Bibi doing what he said he would or wouldn't do...
What do they really want form us? They got your votes! They didn't get mine. Now they are where they asked to be. And what happened. They were used. They were used? No, YOU WERE USED!. All of you who voted for NRP and Likud were used to puff up Bibi!!. And I don't believe for one instant that we'd be in this mess if Likud and NRP weren't in power. Bibi in the opposition would be the fiery mother lion keeping Shelly and Tsipi in their places, far from the pressure and influence of Obama and Kerry.
If Strook, Hotobelli, Katz etc really cared, they would leave the coalition and form an opposition from the Right. And if they had really, really cared about the Land of Israel, they would have united with Eldad and Ben-Ari and run as a large opposition party explain that their role would be to safeguard the Land of Israel from the Knesset.
In the coalition they are in a noose aka "coalition discipline." They must vote with the government or they lose their "company cars."
When it comes to politicians I'm an awful cynic, sorry. I have more to do than to listen to their platitudes and empty words.
G-d must save us, because the humans in charge are wasting their free will and going the wrong way.
Dear Batya ,
I so very feel what you are saying .
I pretty have much told myself Batya that Israel's salvation will not come from The Knesset , but from the outside in what I would hope and pray would be a Godly descendant of David along with a High Priest with a Prophet of God like Eliyahu Ha Navi .
What seems to me Batya is a void of Godly direction from the leadership establishment in Israel .
Who is going to stick up for God in Israel by calling for an outright reconstruction of The Biet Ha Mikdash in these days based upon The Righteousness of The Eternal Torah ?
I believe in the interim , The Aaron Ha Kodesh can come out anew along with The Tabernacle while The Nation does Tshuva and rebuilds The Temple for God in Jerusalem .
I mean ...
Who is truly doing what is right according to God's Torah and calling for the most splendid and most wonderful Home for God on The Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem ?
I know Moshe Feiglin and Rabbi Chaim Richman are a few public figures with deep commitment to such an undertaking , but until God sends literally Eliyahu Ha Havi back (That is who I would think would be sent . I believe there are end of days prophecies that allude to Eliyahu coming back) anew to herald and prepare The Nation for The Temple ,
What can The Godly expect ?
Have a kind day Batya .
Wishing only the best for you and all of my beautiful nation of
Warmth of kindness persue you and all of Israel
דוד שמשון
Sorry Batya, but I disagree, the opposition has absolutely no power at all. The opposition couldn't stop Rabin from ramming through his Oslo agenda & If Bibi was in opposition today he wouldn't be able to stop Shelly & Livni from abandoning half our country. Right now Bibi is talking & going nowhere which I think is his plan. I didn't vote Bibi in the last election,I voted Bennett & as you say, he's a disappointment. The problem in Israel is the system, once elected the MK's are beholden to their leader, the public has no say. I also believe this give & take with the arabs will go on forever, they want all or nothing.
Avraham said:
The problem in Israel is the system, once elected the MK's are beholden to their leader, the public has no say.
The weakest link is in the Likud itself. That's because it's the only relevant party where there are primaries for voting for MKs.
However, since the loyal Israel public is so splintered and keeps on casting their votes for losers - or worse, in the case of Bennet - not enough relevant MKs are in position to make a difference.
And Netanyahu is laughing.
Shy, thanks, fixed it. The spellcheck doesn't' work in Hebrew, only English.
DS thanks
Abraham, I don't know how long you're in Israel or what you know of history. The only actual lad withdrawals were by Likud leaders, Menachem Begin and Arik Sharon.
While those like Orit Strook could have chosen to join Drs. Ben-Ari & Eldad's Power to Israel party, they probably figured that their chances of putting their foot in the Knesset door would be quite slim, and they were very right. You see, the ones who are ultimately to blame for Power to Israel party not getting only 9,000 more votes that would have allowed it to enter the door were the Ashkenazic Zionist rabbis who publicly endorsed Bennett's Jewish Home party, despite the Mesirut Nefesh for Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael that Ben-Ari & Eldad have shown in the past Knesset term. You see, it wouldn't have looked politically correct for these rabbis to endorse someone who is Sephardic (Ben-Ari) and "fanatic" instead of the "nationalistic" (excuse of the Yetzer Hara) Ashkenazic and financially successful Bennett, although a few short months earlier was ready to start his own party but was since offered his sweet deal as head of the Jewish Home party. They also chose to ignore the fact that Ben-Ari was the ONLY fearless MK, of all the Knesset members who were sent Christian Bibles, who tore his. Indeed, there were voters who were thinking of voting for Power to Israel but wound up voting for Jewish Home instead, and these rabbis could have made the difference at least with these voters. It will be these rabbis who will have to give a Din V'Cheshbon to the Big Boss one day for their part in allowing Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael being both physically and spiritually endangered.
Yes, and these same rabbis supported yesterday's farce. They're part of the government but complaining about the same government. I don't know if it's the Sfardi-Ashkenaz thing or that Eldad's father was in Lechi rather than Bnai Akiva, but their narrow minded way of seeing the country has us in serious trouble.
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