Unfortunately, Israel is still dominated by Jews who are insecure in our success as a legitimate country and continuously pander to those who want to destroy us.
Instead of just going on with full confidence and sovereignty in all of the Land of Israel we have under control, they keep on begging the world to recognize our rights and offering valuable gifts of Land to the Arab terrorists who want to destroy us. That's why Israel gets so much international flack and criticism for building homes for Jews in Land we won in a terribly aggressive war to destroy us. The world still hasn't forgiven our victory. Most countries would have happily built and supported memorials for the Holocaust and the destroyed State of Israel. They prefer celebrating Jewish deaths rather than supporting vibrant Jewish Life.
The State of Israel keeps trying the same failed technique to get a "Peace agreement" with the Arabs. Such a thing will never be for two simple reasons. The Arabs will never agree to a treaty promising the State of Israel a true peace, and whatever "interim" agreement is signed will be violated by the Arabs. This is what always happens, like a Law of Physics. We have to constantly be on the alert and not project our good peaceful nature and customs onto Arabs. Stories like the Arab Egged bus driver spy should be a lesson. Naivete is a dangerous enemy.
The only way for us to have peace is to build all over the Land of Israel. I was recently in the town of Adam, just north of Jerusalem.
It has land prepared for building in the direction of Ma'ale Adumim.
One of the major issues of the recent economic protests in Israel has been housing prices. The best areas to build in are davka in locations like Shiloh, Adam, Ariel, Gush Etzion etc which are close enough to Israel's major cities for easy commuting and already have successful and viable social, educational, economic and industrial infrastructures.
Building freezes won't bring Israel security, but building will.
I like the idea of year-round Sukkot.
What would a Sukkah in Winter entail?
What is Hanukkah like in the Golan?
What happens if there is a blizzard on the Temple Mount? Are Snow Patrols similar on the Mount of Olives?
It wouldn't be a sukka in the winter.
can this really happen in the holy land.
Not all Jews live according to Torah. G-d gave us free will, the key to making mistakes.
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