Most people all over aren't interested in the truth. They just don't want Jews around. That's how Hitler had such an easy job in discriminating against and later murdering Jews. Not only did the ordinary citizens of the various countries invaded by Nazi Germany cooperate with Hitler's plan, but the USA, which found itself being forced to try to "rescue" Great Britain and other countries, didn't have stopping the anti-Jewish Holocaust in its battle plans.
Here we are almost a hundred years later, yes, I'm rounding off the 80+ to a century, and our Jewish and Israeli leaders still expect justice and truth.
DEFENSE MINISTER: EUROPEANS PUTTING HEADS IN THE SANDI'm a pragmatist, which makes me a pessimist.
“The Europeans continue to put their heads in the sand, exactly like they did before World War II,” Liberman told Channel 2. “The leaders of Europe prefer to run away from reality.”
Unfortunately, we're the ones who are putting our heads in the sand by not recognizing the antisemitism so prevalent in the world, including the international bodies which claim to support justice and human rights.

You know what they say about paranoids having enemies...
Yes, Bibi should have left the UN long ago but isn't it better to have someone on the inside to see what the scum are really up to?
Much of the Anti Semitism causes can be traced back starting 2200 years ago to 1400 years ago. Leaving that aside, are the nations just the tool sent by God for us to get our act together? Remember that apple does not fall from the tree.
We were always under attack. The Bible is full of war stories and invasions. It may have had a different name but certainly didn't start 2200 years ago.
Anti semitism is not a natural hatred as others are. It is something that H' is in control of. If it were not for anti-semitism, the Jewish people might have been lost to the nations. We can see especially at these times (keitz hayamim) where the whole world and even so-called Jews are siding with our enemies, thus these Jews are exposing themselves (birur) as not having Jewish neshamot. H' is sort of gathering together our spiritual and physical enemies to their own undoing. How exactly all will transpire we do not yet know.
Sorry, but that makes absolutely no sense to me.
It was up to the U.S. to move first. The money held that is Iran's is in the U.S. If Israel pulled out, it is from the wrong end of the deal (the benefit end). Watch how the news stations make it look like we are giving Iran money for the agreement, instead of releasing money that is theirs.
If that's so, the money was held so it wouldn't be passed to terrorists or needed to compensate victims.
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