Hamas War

Monday, May 14, 2012

How About A "Gesture" To Jews?

Concession to PA Prisoners A 'Gesture' to Abbas

The deal that ended the hunger strike by Palestinian Authority prisoners is a “gesture” to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, the PMO says.
The deal that ended the hunger strike by hundreds of Palestinian Authority prisoners in Israel is a goodwill gesture to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, the Prime Minister's Office says.
Speaking for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, spokesman Mark Regev on Monday night called the deal brokered by Egyptian mediators a "confidence-building" gesture.
Insane, totally insane. "Confidence-building" for whom.  It seems to me that the Arabs are much too over-confident already. Bibi must think we're "in his pocket."  I'd like to see a "goodwill gesture" to law-abiding Jewish citizens instead of Arab terrorists.  Is this really another stab at "peace," sic?

After reviewing Netanyahu's letter on Israel's positions, Palestinian leadership rejects call to resume negotiations without preconditions, says Netanyahu's letter "doesn't include clear answers about the central issues that are undermining the resumption of the peace process" • Ministerial Committee for Legislation rejects bill calling for application of Israeli law to all Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.
Daniel Siryoti, Edna Adatto and The Associated Press
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah rebuffed calls to return to the negotiating table, Sunday.
Photo credit: Reuters

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah rebuffed calls to return to the negotiating table, Sunday.
Photo credit: Reuters

Why do our Prime Ministers keep trying to do the impossible, turn turd into gold? 

The main job of the Prime Minister of the State of Israel is to make life better here for Jews, not Arabs and certainly not Arab terrorists.  We Jews should be encourage, not just allowed, to live anywhere in the Land of Israel!  Today, I traveled from Shiloh to Kochav Hashachar just southeast of us.  That part of the Jordan Valley is so empty.  There's room for millions of Jews.


Alex said...

The definition of insanity is, as we all know, doing the same thing again, again, and again, and then expecting a different result.

Israel's leadership is absolutely insane.

NormanF said...

Only Jews can be anti-Semites.

Why they hate themselves so much, I don't understand it.

What do they need to prove to those who hate their guts and want them dead?

This "deal" is insane!

Batya said...

Alex, Norman, so true.

Bibi's "center" is really left.