Yes, The Vatican wants Mount Zion for itself. That's neither the end of the story, nor the beginning.
Now for a very short history lesson.
- Judaism was a vibrant religion long before Christianity. That's why they use our Bible and then add to it.
Jesus was a Jew.
Jesus celebrated Jewish Holidays.
- The locations he was associated with were all Jewish.
Yes, that includes Mount Zion. Mount Zion, the cenacle, aka The Room of the "Last Supper" are all Jewish.
Christianity, all denominations, over the two millennium of its existence, has attempted to replace Judaism with Christianity. That's why it is so important for them to convert Jews. And that's why they are so interested in our Holy Places. And that's why we can't relax in our campaign to SAVE MOUNT ZION!
Olmert and his Kadima party have shown neither respect nor reverence for Jewish History and Jewish Land. He wants to make a deal with the Vatican, and he must be stopped!
1 comment:
Given that the Israeli gov't is just a puppet of the US State Dept; and that the State Dept is behind the deal; it is likely futile to complain to the Israeli gov.
Last year, this was stopped not because of internal protest, but because we directly went after the Vatican and their henchmen.
Call the Vatican what it is - stealing Jewish land, discriminating against Jews and trying to stop the observance of Judaism.
This "aint" no value free attack!
Complain to the Vatican and Catholics!
Thanks for all, In Faith, Elisheva
from Cleveland
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