Hamas War

Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Police Brutatlity

There's someone who's job it is to "deal with" police brutality. His name is Avi Zelba, and his e-mail is: avizelba@gbrener.org.il. Contact him to report all incidents, ok attacks, by policemen/women on demonstrators. It is important to be able to prove the attacks with video or stills.

You can say something like:
I am contacting you to report the following police abuse, which I document with the enclosed testimony/attached video... or whatever.

It might be a good idea to request follow-up, a report on how the police will be handling this possible incident of abuse. And then keep track and contact him every few days on a regular basis, saying that you expect the report, progress, etc.

Don't be shy; be business-like and efficient.


Esther said...

You are ABSOLUTELY right.

Batya said...

very important

Batya said...

People are doing that. They try to photograph police without tags and any brutality.