According to Ya'aqov, this must be #374 of Havel Havelim. Just doing a quick calculation; it seems like this veteran weekly blog carnival must be about ten years old or more by now. It was started by Soccer Dad who hung up his blogging mitts a few years ago. He passed the buck, the baton, the torch, or keyboard whatever on to Jack who has been lost in his random thoughts of late.
A blog carnival is a round-up of blog posts. I like to describe it as a floating internet magazine. Havel Havelim is the jblog one which includes a potpourri of posts on a wide variety of topics, all connected to Judaism and Israel. Next week's hostess is Paula, A Soldier's Mother. To submit your post, either fb message her or email.
Here's the spiel:
Havel Havelim is the most veteran of the jblogger carnivals and probably one of the longest running blog carnivals there is. Blog carnivals are like "floating" internet magazines. They float from blog to blog, like "floating crap games," l'havdil.
Havel Havelim, the international jblog carnival, was established by Soccer Dad, and is now run by Jack. The term “Havel Havelim” is from Kohelet, Ecclesiastes, which was written by King Solomon, who built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other “excesses” and finally realized that it was nothing but norishkeit, “havel” or in English “vanities.” I think that King Solomon and his father King David were the original "bloggers." The books they wrote, when you take them chapter by chapter, can easily be described as blog posts. The stones they used to write on made them last, so that we can read them now. I doubt if today's technology will preserve our words for so long.
There are two other jblogger carnivals, the Kosher Cooking Carnival and JPIX which showcase everything about kosher food and picture posts with Jewish themes. If you're interested in hosting a KCC, please contact me, for JPIX Leora and for HH our facebook page or me.

**Sorry to Sharon for having some how left out her gorgeous post about the kiteflying day at the Israel Museum.
Now for the posts; they are in no special order:
Soccer Dad sent me Barry Rubin's latest report, more personal than usual.
Rickismom has been blogging her mourning, her adjusting to the new reality.
Cosmic X sent me three posts, the Jezreel Valley, and two about Elul, the "Elul mood" and more Elul stuff.
From Ruti, we have Shabbat With Love.
Paula, too, blogs about Shabbat.
Miriam had an evening to remember.
Here's Jacob's Jewish Holiday card.
Paula blogged about gas mask distribution. I've been ignoring that task.
Ima 2 Seven reminds us of those times when adrenalin drops and reality sets in, that difficult but temporary time when you have to remind yourself and others גם זה יעבור gam zeh ya'avor, this too will pass.
My husband asks Is That Arab Pollution?

Read Ya'aqov's two cents about the "Women of the Wall" and God And "Israeli" Arabs.
Good news from Superman Sam. He was able to go to school and start the First Grade with his friends!
Voices Magazine blog posted Solomon's Pools - Again!
And Our shiputzim posted about their trip to the cement factory. Where else would a shiputznik go?
No false modesty, sorry. I've had a pretty busy week. I started the week at Tel Shiloh on Rosh Chodesh, posted my visit to the Israel Museum and ended my week at Nachal Shiloh with the family. I also blogged about the threat of nuclear Iran and the "lynch."
I hope that I didn't leave anything out. Some of these posts, I added just because... If you'd like to see your posts included in Havel Havelim then you really should send the link to the host and not trust that he/she will find it and include it. Our blog carnival page isn't up to date, because we don't have access, so it's best to ignore it until further notice. And to repeat next week's instructions:
Next week's hostess is Paula, A Soldier's Mother. To submit your post, either fb message her or email.
Have a wonderful week. Please visit the posts, read, comment and share.
Thank you, Batya. Nice format, the way you linked photos as well as commentary.
Thanks for the post and the link
Wonderful job, and thanks for including my post! Shavua tov!
thanks to you all
Without all of you, there would be nothing to include.
Nice job, thanks
Well done!
Thanks Batya, for hosting and for including my last minute links!
Haveil Havalim #374 Is Up!
Very nicely put together, with helpful commentary.
Again, I couldn't have done it if there hadn't been so many great posts to include.
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