Every Rosh Chodesh, when I get together with women to pray at the site of the Biblical Mishkan, Tabernacle, we end up talking to groups of tourists and volunteers from all over the world, all different religions. And yesterday was no exception.

Archeologists have been attracted to Shiloh for centuries, and they have consistently confirmed the basic Biblical narrative about Shiloh and even more. Unlike what was once believed, there was an active Jewish community in Shiloh long after the destruction of the Mishkan, Tabernacle.
Women's Prayers at Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh
Monday, July 24, 2017

בשילה הקדומה, תל שילה
יום ב' 24-7-2017
הלל ומוסף לראש חודש
יהיה דבר תורה קצר וסיור בתל
כדאי לבוא ולהזמין חברות, משפחה ושכנות
Today there's a large, vibrant and thriving Jewish Community in Shiloh, all in walking distance of the Ancient Biblical site. You can visit Shiloh Hakeduma all weekdays. For more information call 02-994-4019.
Please mark it in your calendar/diary/event planner so you can join us, Gd willing. If you have more questions about it, please contact me shilohmuse@gmail.com with "Rosh Chodesh" as subject. Our women's dovening isn't a version of male synagogue prayers. We sing Hallel out loud and then doven Musaf individually.
We must praise the Jewish women who
meet in Shiloh for the purpose of
traditional Jewish prayer.
We, Jewish people, need their prayers
and Tehillim.
Who knows how many good things have
already happened because of their
dedication to traditional Jewish prayer?
May their numbers always increase
and never decrease!
Why Pray for Tzahal-IDF:
How to Pray for Tzahal-IDF:
Why Israel’s 1967 Borders are Undefendable:
Ancient Roman historians connected Jews with the Land of Israel:
Thank you
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