Of course, reading and sharing the blog carnivals isn't restricted to bloggers. Blog carnivals are internet magazines, plain and simple. You certainly don't have to be a blogger to read blogs. And you don't even have to be Jewish to read Jewish blogs and Jewish blog carnivals. But the blogs themselves are Jewish ones; that should be clear.
Those interested in knowing more can join our facebook pages, Havel Havelim and Kosher Cooking Carnival. For more information about hosting you can contact me at shilohmuse at gmail dot com. I'll coach you through it, if you need. Send in your links via blog carnival, HH and KCC.
I'm going to mix up all the posts, without letting on which blogs they're from. So have fun reading, commenting and sharing, please. Also please share this combo-carnival.
5 Shekel Food Made it to Jerusalem!
Which Country is More anti-Jewish, Qatar or Israel?
Corn & Cheese Fritters with Pear Salsa
Israeli Sovereignty, the Key to True and Lasting Peace
What a Waste!
Director of Rabbi Riskin's Interfaith Center Appeals for Funding to Build Church in Jerusalem - Jewish Israel
Chaos Theory, Goedel's Proof, and Halakhah: Thoughts on undirected Halakhic process
Kale and Butternut Squash Salad
Daylight Savings Time, I'm not a Fan
In The Footsteps Of Theodor Herzl
That person….
To Parents of Singles
Pear Cornbread
The Elephant in the Room, A Review
"Tzohar Law:" Torah vs. State Under the Chuppah
Great Deal on a Tuna Salad at Cafe` Hillel Express
Leading Religious Zionist Rabbis Declare That MK El'azar Stern is an Epikoros
Photos of The Jerusalem Central Bus Station Synagogue
Chanan HaChatan (2 Quick Shabbos Recipes)
Controlling the Panic, Thank G-d
HaAdom, HaAdom HaZeh
Poem for Passing
8 Things to See Now on Jerusalem Streets
In Memory of My Father
Here are the two official endings from Blog Carnival's instacarnival:Poem for Passing
Stuffed Potato Boats with Tuna |
In Memory of My Father
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of kosher cooking carnival-kcc using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags: kosher cooking carnival-kcc, blog carnival.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of jewish-israel blog carnival aka havel havelim using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags: jewish-israel blog carnival aka havel ha, blog carnival.
Thanks for the post and link.
Hashem is your only friend.
Jacob, my pleasure. Maybe you'll take on hosting sometime...
yes, rainbow
Thanks for including my post.
Shavua tov and chodesh tov!
Batya, a terrific idea to post both blogs together.
Thank-you for including my Potato Boats.
As usual, you have done a marvelous job...
Thanks to all of you! Bloggers, wouldn't you like to host one? It's not all that hard.
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