Hamas War

Friday, May 24, 2013

Jewish Bloggers, the Full Moon and an Important Mitzvah

Havel Havelim, the veteran Jewish blog post round-up is doing an experiment.  Instead of weekly, it now appears monthly, though if there's a blogger who wants to host in-between, that's great, too.  Yocheved Golani is the first hostess of the new Havel Havelim.  Since the Kosher Cooking Carnival is on Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the Jewish Month, it seemed a good idea for Havel Havelim to be in the middle of the month.  That's when the moon is full.

For more information, please join our HH facebook page, where we sign up to host an edition and keep track of what's happening.  I hope that we'll soon be able to use blog carnival again. I find it very useful for the Kosher Cooking Carnival.

Back to the newest Havel Havelim, I want to point out that my favorite post is on Esser Agaroth.  He wrote about something I had missed.  When the Netanyhu's were in China, Avner Netanyahu asked to put on T'fillin and prayed in the synagogue.  He obviously knew how.

Avner Netanyahu with Rabbi Avraham Greenberg
Ohel Moshe Synagogue, Shanghai, China
אייר תשע"ג/May, 2013

Most of us join in on the sport of complaining about Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, but we really ought to remember that although he has never made a point of pretending to be more religious than he is, he and Sara are doing their best to raise their sons with Jewish values.  Both of their fathers were cared for, in their final months, in the Prime Minister's Residence.  Kibbud Av 'Em, the great mitzvah of honoring one's father and mother is definitely a mitzvah their sons participated in.

There are some great things in the world of Jewish blogging.  Havel Havelim is a very useful tool to keep us all connected.   Please keep it going and growing.

Thanks again to Yocheved who has certainly done a lot for Havel Havelim.

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