Hamas War

Friday, January 11, 2008

Comments Sans Gloves

Most of you probably know that I blog on Arutz 7; The Eye of the Storm is mine. There are some similarities and sometimes the same posts, but there's one big difference...

the comments
Here, there's a dignity, politeness, humor, friendliness. And that's not because I have the technical capability to delete whatever comments I don' like. I usually use that privilege only when there's something irrelevant, commercial, spam etc.
The comments on Arutz 7 can be mean, and there are actual "conversations" between the commenters. Yes, there is a bit of that here, but not to the same extent. Sometimes they don't even involve me!
At first I tried to stay away from the fray and calm things down, but then I gave up. It seems like many of the regulars really love the interaction and comment on the other blogs. too.
Recently, even I've "taken off my gloves" concerning the issue of do the Jews who live abroad have the right to criticize us who live in Israel.
What do you think?


Anonymous said...

כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה...
if Israelis screw up, it's the responsibility of Jews in the diaspora to tell them, much like if your father is abusive, you have a responsibility to help rectify the situation.

Everything we do is intertwined, whether we like it or not, although those who are willing to stand in the trenches should have a louder voice in the matter.

Batya said...

I don't quite follow the father reference. I didn't say no opinion allowed, but don't forget who's on the firing line.

I say "acharai," "after me," not "you must."