Hamas War

Sunday, April 9, 2006

What was the term?

Why re-invent the wheel? as the saying goes...

There are some excellent, well-understood words to describe what has been going on in this part of the world. Instead of using the old terms, new ones, euphemisms to confuse people have been coined.

Let's start with the ethnic cleansing of Jews from a specific territory, Judenrein. Right? Why did they use the word "Disengagement?" I guess to show that they really don't care about what happens to Jews; it doesn't affect them.

And there's another word for the the Jewish bureaucrats who participate in expelling their fellow Jews; they are the Judenrat. They take care of their own, but not their people.

It was a very unpleasant deja vu, when Bassi's Disengagement Administration kept repeating that there's a "solution" for all the displaced Jews. At least he said that it would be temporary, not "permanent."

Yes, those terms are from Hitler and his Nazis. What was the term the Nazis used when they forcefully transferred Jews from their homes to the the ghettos? Was it convergence? They must have had a word; they were very organized.

Olmert and his allies like "convergence" which means:
The act, condition, quality, or fact of converging.
Mathematics. The property or manner of approaching a limit, such as a point, line, function, or value.
The point of converging; a meeting place: a town at the convergence of two rivers.
Physiology. The coordinated turning of the eyes inward to focus on an object at close range.
Biology. The adaptive evolution of superficially similar structures, such as the wings of birds and insects, in unrelated species subjected to similar environments. Also called convergent evolution.

Duh! I just think they looked for a word that sounded parve (neutral) and official, without any historic reference or connotations. I just don't see how Olmert's next stage, of ethnic cleansing, forcefully transferring close to 100,000 law-abiding, tax-paying, loyal citizens from their homes in order to give those homes to terrorists who aren't shy about their aim to destroy our country, could be marketed. But obviously I'm wrong. There are Jews in Israel and abroad and non-Jews all over the world who find that perfectly acceptable.

I'm one of those Jews whom Olmert wants to expell, banish, transfer from my home. He wants to "converge" me into a crowded unsafe ghetto. I have no doubt that Hitler had a good word for it.

My question is innocent; it's about just history, linguistic history.

What was that term?

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