Hamas War

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Young MK Tzippi Hotobeli Caught The Bug!

Yes, unfortunately MK Tzippi Hotobeli's brain has been attacked by the same neurological disease that has affected many Right wing Israeli politicians when they get into high office.  One of the most famous was no other than Menachem Begin.  He stayed relatively healthy as Knesset Member, but as Prime Minister the "virus" became very strong and seriously attacked the brains cells controlling ideals.

In his weakened state, Moshe Dayan and the other Leftists had no problem convincing him that he would be praised by the world and considered a great hero if he just gave the Sinai to Egypt.  So, without any warning he did.

Arik Sharon had fought the virus and was in remission for a while after helping Begin destroy Jewish communities in the Sinai, such as Yamit.  But the stress of being Prime Minister caused a return of the illness, and that's why he declared Disengagement forcefully evicting innocent, patriotic Jews from Gush Katif and northern Samaria.  He destroyed their communities and gave Gush Katif to the Gazan Arab terrorists.

Many people had great hopes for young Tzippi, but some of her recent statements, like her plans to treat Judea and Samaria Arabs as new immigrants and Israelis show that she, too, has been affected by the neurological condition.

Refuah Shleimah, Tzippi, Good Health, a Complete Recovery
We're Praying For You


Bryan said...

If you don't mind, Batya, could you explain what the alternative is? If giving Judea and Samaria over the Arabs and accepting the Auschwitz Lines is not an option, and giving the Arabs there residency or citizenship is not an option, what do you propose is done with them?

Batya said...

They already have "rights as human beings." If they want to stay and eventually have citizenship, they must pay full taxes and obey all laws. Every country has a loyalty oath for new citizens except Israel. We must have one too for anyone who wants citizenship.

I've been taking my father through the entire aliyah, immigration and citizenship procedure. Besides having to prove that he's Jewish, he doesn't have to promise anything. His mother was the first in their family to pass the citizenship test in the USA. She loved learning history.

We in Israel make it too easy, not in terms of bureaucracy, but for someone to accept Jewish and Israeli Law.

Anonymous said...

it may be that prime ministers and other high-ups understand things better, learn of different realities, etc. when they achieve their rank. you may not understand everything from the shilo vantage point.
so if they were loyal you would have no problem giving them citizenship?! do you understand what this means?

Bryan said...

So you have no problem with giving potentially two and a half million Arabs citizenship? Even if only half are naturalized, in a couple of generations that will be millions of additional Arab citizens of Israel. How will Israel retain its Jewish character if it's half-Jewish, half-Arab?

I would assume the naturalization procedures are significantly more difficult for non-Jews than for Jews, so your father's experience may not be representative.

Given how difficult accepting Jewish law (i.e. becoming a ger tzedek and joining Am Yisrael) is, it would be rather shocking to hear that naturalizing to the Jewish state does not require substantial effort.

Anonymous said...

Batya, reading your post above, I would say that you caught the bug, too.

2nd class citizenship and/or limited autonomy, with the goal of kicking them all out to Jordan, which is "Palestine" for all practical purposes anyway.

Anonymous said...

Bryan, Jewish law does not require gentile residents of the land to become Jews. It requires them to become Gerei Toshav, i.e., Noahides.

As far as I'm concerned (and I'm not saying this is the Halacha - but it should be), a Muslim by definition cannot be a Noahide because Islam advocates murder, one of the 7 Noahide transgressions.

Waiting for the Goyesher Rebbe to kick in with his response.

Batya said...

taxes and loyalty oaths
or no rights but an exit pass

Anonymous said...

I, too, advocate taxes and loyalty oath, yet full never citizenship.

Hadassa said...

Actually the citizenship laws of Israel and America are similar in terms of learning history. If you are the child of an American citizen, you are automatically a citizen, regardless of where you were born. No naturalization process is necessary. This is because of the known connection to the country. (I known this doesn't extend to the grandchildren, but you'll see my point.) All Jews have a connection to Israel. All Jews are "children of Israel".
Comparing Israel to any other country is problematic. G-d gave Israel to all Jews. Come to think of it, every nation has its own G-d given land; we just don't know exactly who the other nations are.
According to halacha no non-Jew can be a citizen in Israel or own land (I think also a house) in Israel so debating whether or not loyalty to the state can grant an Arab citizenship isn't relevant.
Jordan is part of Israel. We'll have to send any Arab who doesn't want to be a "ger toshav" farther away.
And yes, a heartfelt "refuah shleimah" to Tzippi.

Bryan said...

Oh, Shy Guy, I realize Halakha doesn't require Gentiles to become gerei tzedek, but I'm saying that, given how arduous it is to become a ger tzedek, it would be uncharacteristic to have Israeli naturalization procedures not at all arduous. So if naturalizing non-Jews as Israeli citizens isn't difficult, they probably should make it harder.

Personally, I would advocate for permanent residence status for the Arabs of J+S, with citizenship only available to those who serve in the Tzahal, and deportation the immediate, universal response to criminal acts.

goyisherebbe said...

According to independent researcher Tsvi Misinai over 80% of local ("Palestinian") Arabs have some Jewish ancestry. Yad L'Achim is doing heroic work in rescuing Jewish women and their kids from relationships with Arab men. Plenty of Arabs can tell you about their Jewish maternal grandmother. When Israel becomes more Jewish and the State of Israel stops apologizing for its existence, many or most of these Arabs who are really Jews will want to come home, stop being losers and start being winners. Ever since the Six Day War the Shabak has prevented many Arabs from converting to Judaism. This is similar to Timna, who was spurned by the Patriarchs and went and became a concubine to Esav's son Eliphaz, giving birth to Amalek, the eternal enemy of the Jews. If we can't be open to those who want to join us, we will get more enemies. Those who don't wish to keep the entire 613, if they are not strictly halachically Jewish, should have citizenship as Noahides. It should be pointed out that the status of ger toshav does not apply today. But neither is the State of Israel the Kingdom of David. I say split the difference. Accept Noahide Arabs and Arab converts as citizens, Muslims and Christians who pledge not to violate the law as non-voting residents, and throw the rest out. There should be a death penalty for terrorism. Read what Sri Lanka did to wipe out the Tamil Tigers. There are ways! If you want peace you have to be prepared to fight a war to win.

Batya said...

goyish, Taken as a full package, and not just some attention-grabbing headlines and sound-bytes, you have some very good points.