Hamas War

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Embarrassingly Pathetic, A Sorry Day For Israel

There was no reason for Bibi Netanyahu to apologize to U.S. Vice President Joe Biden.The Israeli Prime Minister should have demanded an apology from Biden.  How dare a foreign official criticize, interfere with the internal affairs of our Capital City, Jerusalem!

If the United States and its Arab lackeys find housing construction in our Capital objectionable, they should be sent packing.  If Abbas considers this building project reason not to talk to us, then we should be glad that we won't be wasting our time.

Where's our pride?  Our self-respect?

Bibi, you bombed
Statement from Prime Minister Netanyahu's Bureau
(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday (Wednesday), 10.3.10, summoned Interior Minister Eli Yishai and expressed his displeasure at the timing of the announcement of another stage in the planning process of a Jerusalem building project.

In light of the ongoing disagreement between Israel and the US on building in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Netanyahu said there was no need to advance the planning process this week and instructed Interior Minister Yishai to adopt procedures to prevent such an incident from recurring.

Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke to US Vice President Joe Biden and expressed his regret over the unfortunate timing. The Prime Minister informed the Vice President that this specific project had moved through various planning stages over several years. The final approval process will in all likelihood take more than a year and the beginning of actual construction would likely take several years.


Daniel said...

yeshar koach

Batya said...

Daniel, thanks, I'm glad you agree. We must publicize this further.

Anonymous said...

More disgrace from Netanyahu.

Keli Ata said...

Of all things for Bibi to apologize for! It's bad enough when compassion for a civilian death or something while justified comes across as an apology but this??

Bibi, you're an Israeli not an American. Don't bow to US leaders. Don't become a Jewish Uncle Tom.

Batya said...

Shy, you voted for Bibi. We must strengthen the strongest pro-Land of Israel party, not the Likud.

Keli, it's the ghetto mentality.