Posted by Jewish Israel
Joseph Reyes and Rebecca Shapiro Reyes of Chicago are embroiled in a highly charged divorce and custody battle which has opened the ultimate interfaith can of worms.
The US media spotlight is focused on a plethora of divisive issues involving faith, freedom of religion, and parental rights.
Reyes, an alleged convert to Judaism, reverted back to Catholicism in the wake of a failing marriage. He had his 3-year old Jewish daughter baptized in a Catholic church without consulting his estranged Jewish wife, and then proceeded to invite the media to watch him parade his daughter to church in defiance of a court restraining order.
He now faces a possible prison sentence.
Some of the twisted concepts being used by Joseph Reyes to justify his actions are made of the same ambiguous interfaith stuff which concerns Jewish Israel and has been the focus of our reports...more
link to "more" is broken
Thanks, Sabba Hillel.
It should work now. Sorry.
It works now, I read the entire article.
It broke my heart and made my blood boil. The media spin on this very ugly. And you're right, a lot of the typical interfaith elements are at play, such as referring to JC as a radicalized Jew.
I get so sick of people saying Jesus was a Jew as if that legitimizes Christianity as a branch of Judaism.
My heart breaks for this mother.
Under the weight of this media firestorm all she really has are her tears and pleas. She has to try to get people to understand the beauty of Judaism against hateful people who are probably a step away from calling her a christ killer if her ex is jailed for getting the girl baptized.
Ugly and hateful situation.
great comments, as always, Keli Ata.
It's amazing what comes out when you just scratch just beneath the surface in the good 'ole u.s.a.
look how excessive "tolerance" and "freedom of religion and expression" manages to supress and oppress the authentic Jewish voice.
I get so sick of people saying Jesus was a Jew
I recently commented elsewhere to a christian who pointed out jesus being Jewish that so was Karl Marx.
G-d bless you Shy! I have to remember that about Karl Marx for the next time I get the "Jesus was a Jew" drek, especially from a little missionary co-worker.
A Catholic priest would not have done this if he had known the situation. "Infant" (non-adult) baptism is only justified theologically in the Christian faith (if at all -- some denominations reject it completely) by the fact that BOTH parents intend to raise the child as a Christian. (Or at least, one does and the other doesn't object.) The only way this could have happened would be for the father to have lied about the situation. In a few such situations, such baptisms have been invalidated. (Although this is generally something very difficult to do theologically since it is believed that baptism has a real, independent effect, regardless of the circumstances.)
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