Hamas War

Thursday, February 22, 2007

No tradition

When we made aliyah in 1970, we signed up at the Kupat Cholim Le'umit Health Fund and joined Cherut, and it was clear that we'd be voting for Gachal, which shortly after became the Likud.

There was no way that we'd be part of the Kupat Cholim Clalit, since it meant we'd be members of (since then the law has changed) the Histadrut, associated with Ben Gurion, Rabin and all those who had attacked the Altalena.

Everything was connected. Sick Funds, jobs, schools and voting.

Things were so simple then.

The same people ran the country for over thirty years, if you remember to add the pre-state time. It was only when the S'faradi, North African Jews became more politically sophisticated and realized that not only did the ruling Labor elite discriminated against them, but that they wouldn't lose their jobs if they voted Likud. So in 1977, Menachem Begin's Likud finally made the ruling coalition.

Since then, each election has its surprises.

We don't know when the next elections will be, remember it's still less than a year since the last one. Each time polls are published they only point out how weakly aligned, or loyal, Israelis are to the parties they've voted for. Since most of the people who voted for the Retirees did it as a lark, an anti-establishment protest, there's a good chance it will fade from the political scene. This is especially since it hasnt followed its platform.

Here's the latest poll from Maagar Mohot Survey Institute (headed by Professor Yitzchak Katz for Channel 10 TV "Every Morning" on February 20,2007. Statistical error +/- 4.5:

Election results if Knesset elections held today and there was a new party running by Akadi Gyadamak.

Results expressed in mandates. Current Knesset in [brackets]
11 [29] Kadima
27 [12] Likud
14 [19] Labor
10 [09] Nat'l Union/NRP
10 [12] Shas
08 [11] Yisrael Beiteinu
05 [05] Meretz
06 [06] Yahadut Hatorah
10 [10] Arab parties
05 [07] Retirees
14 [--] New party of Arkady Gyadamak [AL: Party
does not yet exist]

Voting preference today of those who immigrated from the former Soviet Union 1989 or later:
30% New party of Arkady Gyadamak
45% Yisrael Beiteinu
11% Likud
14% Other replies

What party those who would vote now for the New party of Arkady Gyadamak voted for in the last elections:
Yisrael Beiteinu 40%
Kadima 19%
Likud 8%
Shas 13%
Other replies 20%

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
mail: POB 982 Kfar Sava
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730
INTERNET ADDRESS: imra@netvision.net.il
Website: http://www.imra.org.il

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