Hamas War

Sunday, May 27, 2007

So obvious, no way to avoid it.

Scare tactics!

Just wait for the instability and violence when the Americans leave Iraq!

Of course, it's obvious.

The American invasion, and forget all the euphemisms--it was an invasion-- destabilized Iraq and made things more "sensitive" in the entire middle-east.

The Arab culture is not the European or Japanese from 60+ years ago. It's dangerously naive to think so. And the damage is done. It doesn't matter when or how, but as violent and dangerous Iraq is today, it will suffer even more when the Americans finally leave.

Is it the job of the United States to be the "world's policeman?" As a long-time citizen of Israel, I don't see things as an "American." I don't see American "morality" as superior, especially when it's combined with the delusions of inaccurate analysis of the true situations in other countries.

Good luck world!

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