...yes, but this isn't about ego. This relates to the protests about how badly the Israeli Government is run, and that includes the Foreign Ministry and Hasbara, meaning the Information Campaign.
I live in Israel, Shiloh to be exact. That's the Bible Heartland, Judea and Samaria, where our Jewish History happened. It's also what many in the world have re-named "Palestine." Part of the myth of the faux people is the "poor Arabs live in crowded hovels." Well, most of the land is empty. And the Arabs definitely don't live in hovels.
That's why I took the pictures you'll see in this series, which is running for best series and newsposts in JIB awards.
By voting for my Arab Mansions series, you're voting against the incompetence and the corruption in Israeli Politics and meda. Actually, I tried to sell the series to Jewish newspapers, but nobody was interested in the truth.
The Arabs are living well. There's lots of money in the villages. They don't pay taxes. They expect Israeli tax money to support their infrastructure, roads etc. They don't need building permits. Yes, ad nauseum, and for whatever reasons, they're winning the hasbara war.
A vote for my Arab Mansions series is a vote for the truth. If you've already voted for someone else and can't vote again, at least publicize my posts.
The series is running as a series; vote here. For some strange reason, I'm running against myself in best newsposts, so vote for Arab Mansions Part 1, which is doing better and has a chance to get into the finals.
This is not for ego; it's to show that the best news source is in our jblog world.
Shavua tov!
when i was in yeshivah in ein tzurim we used to drive a lot through the shomron (via jerusalem or ariel) to tirat tzvi. even then (1992) i remember being struck by the housing.
So you agree that they are important posts?
I was impressed with these posts when you did them Muse, and Im impressed now. I think some of us are very quickly seeing despite the best intentions of the commitee, these awards are a measure of popularity and pure chutzpah for self voting.
You'll always be a winner in my eyes Batya.
Shalom Aaron
Visit: Mr Bagel
i thought that was implied!
Bagel, Ari,
Thank you both!
I guess we bloggers are all blogging for a variety of reasons. I started, because I had a lot to say, and the papers wouldn't publish my stuff. So now I have my own publications, just need a few more readers, ....
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