Hamas War

Friday, March 5, 2010

Gilad Shalit is Still in Arab Prison, But The Israeli Government Allows Privileges to Its Arab Prisoners

Hat tip: IMRA

Our foolish Israeli politicians are using the wrong methods to get Gilad Shalit released from his Arab terrorist jail.  Families of the Pseudostinians, aka Palestinians sic, in Israeli jails are being permitted to bring them personal possessions, such as personal clothing and family photos.

Kindness doesn't work against Arab terrorists.  It just reinforces the image of Israeli weakness and stupidity.

The Arab prisoners should be kept in total isolation, like the conditions Gilad Shalit endures, until the Arab terrorists release him.


Bryan said...

The Arabs jailed for suspected terrorist activities are accorded rights under the Geneva Conventions. Just because our enemies flaunt those conventions and deny their prisoners rights doesn't mean we have to be equally barbaric.

Batya said...

I disagree. Being nice hasn't helped; it just endangers us and innocents like Shalit.

Enough is enough. We must get smart.

Anonymous said...

Bryan, terrorists are illegal combatants and are accorded NO rights under the GC.

Take them out back and pop them.

Batya said...

Thanks Shy!

Netivotgirl said...

Why must we always be fair to those who don't deserve it? I'm with you, Batya; the time for being nice has come and gone!

Israel should have these Chamas barbarians sleeping on the floor, eating "manot krav," with no cell-phone use, no family visits, and absolutely NO visits from the Red Cross!!

If we don't change our tactics quickly, Gilad Shalit will end up as Ron Arad 2.

Batya said...

Exactly! Do you hear the world protesting against how Gilad Shalit is being treated?

Anonymous said...

Netivotgirl said...

Israel should have these Chamas barbarians ..... eating "manot krav"


Cruel and unusual punishment.


Keli Ata said...

We don't even know for sure that Gilat Shalit is being held in a prison. For all we know he could be chained up 24/7 in some basement of a house or some garage.

Does Hamas even have any established prisons? Prisons as we would define them? Nobody really knows where that poor kid is.

So they gave him a shave and haircut for his video but clearly they're not feeding him much and he's not getting sunshine because he looked horribly pale.

Hamas terrorists should be treated the same. Bread and water, no daily exercise, no Red Cross visits, no phone calls.

Though I think if all service to Gaza were cut off--no food, no electricity etc.

Batya said...

keli, whatever the structure, it's a prison. It doesn't need a sign.

We shouldn't give the terrorists in our jails more than the legal bare minimum, and we shouldn't give any special gifts, "gestures" to the Gazans.

Keli Ata said...

I know what you mean Batya.

But what I was trying to say was that by conventional standards a prison by our definitions would at least ensure that the kid has a bed, light, access to a modicum of medical care, two or three meals a day etc.

I remember reading once on A7 that Hamas lied about giving him birthday cakes and letting him outside because to keep him shut up in a dark room without windows would be cruel.

Despite their denials, I think that's precisely the conditions they are keeping him in, not a traditional prison. Even the worst of prisons provides assurance of some human rights.

I doubt Gilad is in even a bad prison.

All that considered, the Hamas terrorists shouldn't be treated with kindness. Give them the bare minimum of treatment.

Most people have a perception of what a prison is like, even a horrible middle eastern prison (think Billy Hayes in a Turkish prison in Midnight Express).

I doubt Gilad is even in such a prison. People need to know that.

Further, if he were being held in a traditional prison there's a good chance on of the inmates would have tipped off a family member or friend and that person would have tipped off the IDF.

It might sound like I am arguing over terms but really when dealing with Hamas you need to understand their terms.

Prison--hole in the ground, cellar, torture, starvation, cruelty, chains, no windows, no health care, little food, etc.

Peace--destruction of Jews, Israel.

We do need to be precise when discussing Hamas and the words they use.

Batya said...

Keli, please don't presume or guess. Just stick to the facts.
1-Gilad Shalit was kidnapped.
2- None of the international health or diplomatic organizations have been in direct contact with him.

3-This goes against Geneva Conventions etc and
4- the world is silent.