Hamas War

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

More restrictions on Jewish movement in Eretz Yisrael

I have just received a pdf file, which I haven't been able to copy to post, which announces that another road is closed to Jewish traffic.

Yes, add it to the many restrictions on Jews in Eretz Yisrael.

It's the road from Adam, just north of Jerusalem, to Atarot, the industrial zone and Jerusalem Airport. I don't know if the airport still functions. That road has been used by people going to places other than Atarot.

The maps here aren't what I was looking for, wasted a long time and couldn't find what I wanted, but it does give an idea of where Jerusalem is compared to the Benjamin District, where I live. Distances are short. It's less than a half hour's drive from Shiloh to Jerusalem. Adam is about where the "t" is in Atarot in the upper map. There's a road connecting it with the airport, but Jews aren't allowed to use it.

If you try to combine the two maps, you'll see that they mention different Jewish communities.

Those, like Beit Choron, are close to us on the map, but we have to travel through Jerusalem, since the connecting roads are Arab only. All of our roads also have Arabs traveling freely. We have less freedom of movement than the Arabs. Yes, and it's getting worse.

hat tip: lg


yitz said...

To convert images in a PDF file, try downloading the program from
this site.
If it's text, Adobe 6 [and presumably later versions] have an option to select text and then "copy to clipboard."
Either way you shouldn't have a problem.
Walla Maps and
E-Maps should have good Hebrew language maps of anywhere in Israel.

yitz said...

URL Corrections: For E-Maps, Israeli site, in English
For various Israeli map sites, mostly Hebrew.

Batya said...

I was going nuts trying to find the maps I wanted to use.

benning said...

I find it laughable that the MSM tries to paint Israel as an apartheid society. I suppose in a way it is. But it isn't that the Jewish Israelis are committing the indignity of 'apartheid' against the Arabs - it's that the Jews are doing this against themselves. Astonishing!

I don't know if I ever accepted the idea of some that the ancient borders of Judea and Samaria should be the modern borders of Israel. But within those borders that Israeli law accepts as Israel, nobody should be unable to travel the roads. If they are unsafe for Jews to travel, send in the Army. Make it safe. If this is a law (that Jews may not use these roads) then "the law is an ass" and needs to be changed. What insanity!

goyisherebbe said...

What we should have done the first day that autonomy was declared was to go out in convoys of 100 or more cars, armed to the teeth, with Israeli flags on our cars, and travel through the Arab cities and villages nonchalantly, stopping to buy something or other in a store or a fruit stand and daring either the Arabs or the Army or police to start up with us. We still should. But I fear we don't have the guts. G-d forbid we might be arrested or even worse be late for work. Meanwhile the first trial of an electronic border post on Route 55 west of Kedumim is being started. Both the Jewish and Arab residents of the nearby area will have electronic tags allowing them fast passage. Others cool their heels waiting. Komemiut suggests no one accept such a tag and go into the fast passage lane without it and tie up traffic until they give up. Well, how many people are really ready to get fired from their jobs? Are you really ready to make a revolution? Moshe Feiglin gave up on that and decided to try politics (admittedly, unconventional politics) instead. Are we waiting for a Jewish-Israeli Mandela prepared to sit in jail for a long time?

Batya said...

benning, you're right
and goyish' you, too,

The young kids were willing to go to jail; our generation has failed.