Hamas War

Thursday, April 21, 2005

most peculiar and extremely frightening

This is a most peculiar report from the Arutz 7 site, that

Hepatitis Vaccine for Disengagement Forces 06:16 Apr 21, '05 / 12 Nisan 5765
(IsraelNN.com) All Israel Police and IDF troops taking part in the disengagement force will be vaccinated against hepatitis in a precautionary move officials report.Health officials advise the move to avoid the possibility of the spread of the contagious disease among the troops who will be working in close proximity to one another during the implementation phase of the Gaza and northern Shomron expulsion of residents.

Does that mean that the victims/refugees will, G-d forbid, be herded into unhealthy, crowded camps? And that, G-d forbid, disease will run rampant? What hell is being cooked up for innocent, loyal, law-abiding Israeli citizens?

How is it that the same people who object to a terrorist's home being razed are not demonstrating against this atrocity?


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