Lady Bird had a tough act to follow, since Jackie Kennedy was so popular, a real icon. But here, too, it was Lady Bird and her beautification projects which had more lasting effects than anything her more "elegant" predecessor did.
I'm glad that Naomi Blumenthal won't be serving jail time. I know her; my husband worked for her for a year. She is sincere in how she helps others and very generous. There are some real crooks in politics, and she's not one of them. The crooks are making the laws and sit in Knesset and the Cabinet.
I like reading Barry Chamish. Maybe he's just making it up, but maybe most is true as well. In any case, I'm already convinced that some of what he's saying is definitely true, and most of it quite plausible.
I don't recall what he had to say about Blumenthal, but frankly, stories like hers stregthen my belief that the theories that Barry is reporting. Maybe what she did was wrong, but everyone was/is doing it as part of the game. A land of Israel lover, she got a jail sentence. On the other hand, plenty of other dreks are still in the knesset after doing the same and more.
We are supposed to be relieve that her jail sentence has been rescinded out of compassion that a) her husband has passed away, b) written remorse.
But what about all the other criminals in the knesset? What about the absurdity that some exposed womanizer is the vice-prime minister?!
josh-I agree
Knowing Naomi's generosity, I don't see her thinking that hosting people is a crime. The real crooks are running the country. Maybe she let someone know that she'd reveal more of their crimes if she had to go to jail.
Naomi was one of Israel's best politicians and pro-Eretz Yisrael, and that's why they hate her.
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