Hamas War

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Sin of the Attack on the Altalena Continues

Just a few days ago, the Jewish People fasted and prayed to G-d, begging forgiveness for their sins. At least some Jews did.

Others, davka, those who fly the flag of "superior morality" have never admitted the grave sins they still perpetuate against fellow Jews.

Over a generation ago, Ben Gurion, Yitzchak Rabin and other leaders of the emerging State Of Israel not only attacked to kill fellow Jews on the Altalena, enthusiastic patriotic Jews who only wanted to fight for the good of the state, but their political inheritors are continuing in their war against the most loyal Israelis.

We embarked on our voyage
To suffer and fight for you.
We brought you revolutionary courage
And an arms-ship to liberate you.

For years in Europe
We toiled without pause
To bring you Altalena,
The fruit of our labors.

And how you received us!
We'll never forget!
Of brothers-in-arms we dreamt,
But encountered the cannon blast.

And although they sank Altalena,
Raise your heads high, soldiers.
To the whole of Eretz Yisrael,
We remain forever loyal.

A poem by Rafael Khirs, who was on the Altalena. It was translated in an excellent, must-read article by Sarah Honig in the Jerusalem Post.

The Israeli Government, now led by Ehud Olmert is perpetuating the sin. At the same time that he is promising the bulk of historical, Biblical Israel to our enemies, those whose entire aim is to destroy us, G-d forbid, and at the same time that he is freeing convicted Arab terrorists, Jewish dissidents are being kept in jail.

"Nothing's new," as King Solomon repeated in Kohelet, Ecclesiastes. We're in "the time of" King Saul, who wasted his energies persecuting David, instead of destroying Amalek, the true enemy of the Jewish People. Finally, G-d ordered Samuel the Prophet to depose him and make David the King.

Yes, since "nothing's new," we will rule in the end, and that is what frightens the Left the most. Someday, they will have to pay for their sins.

Chag Succot Sameach

Have a Joyous Succot

Harachaman Hu Yakim et Sukat David Hanofalet

May The Merciful One Raise Up David's Fallen Kingdom


yitz said...

Beautiful post, and right on the money, Batya! I was very impressed with the end of the poem: To the whole of Eretz Yisrael / We remain forever loyal. Note that she does not say "to the Palmach" or to the ahem, "government", but to "Eretz Yisrael." Compare that to the naive [sorry, it must be said] people who kissed & hugged the Yassamnikim & others who threw them out of their homes. It's time to realize that some of the enemy is right here at home!
Chag Sameach!!!

Batya said...


It was an amazing article, and when I read it, I knew that I had to use it and the poem.

We live in frightening and dangerous times.

We have work to do.