Hamas War

Sunday, September 23, 2007

"Machsom Watch" Endangers Israel!

Israel is in a fight for its very survival. Unfortunately, every single Arab and their foreign and local supporters may be hiding weapons. That includes "innocent-looking" pregnant women.

Just last week, we saw another example of how a pregnant Arab woman hid a weapons cache. Machsom Watch and similar groups insist that "polite requests" to check Arabs are required, as if the terrorists and their "mules" will just politely hand over explosives, weapons etc.

Terrorism isn't polite, nor is the aim of the Arab terrorists. As a pragmatist, I must distrust the Arabs. Don't you remember the Arab woman, who went to her doctor's appointment in the Israeli hospital armed with explosives, planning on blowing it up, to murder the doctor who had helped her and dozens of other innocents? Luckily she was caught at the border and didn't succeed in carrying out her plan.

We are at war, and the Machsom Watch and similar groups are supporting the enemy.


Daniel said...

unlike machson watch I prefer live Jews over being nice. If the arabs want peace let them police their own.

Batya said...

and that's the theme of the Avihu Chai March to Jerusalem

We protect our own!