Hamas War

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #32- Har Habayit, Temple Mount- What Took Me So Long?

Selfie with me and my husband

On Sunday, during Succot, I ascended Har Habayit-The Temple Mount for the second time. I'm embarrassed to say that it was only the second time. Here's something I wrote about my first, though for some reason the photos don't show. In another post, you can see the photos, though none of me.

A few days ago, I decided that I just had to ascend Har Habayit. One year of war. The world is so against us. The physical spiritual center of Judaism is Har Habayit, Jerusalem. I felt the need to be there. When my husband said he planned on ascending this Sunday, I told him that I'd be accompanying him.

Honestly, although I'm totally in favor of Jews ascending Har HaBayit, I'm not a "regular." Decades ago, my husband had had some "bad" experiences, which caused me some trauma. I did go a few years ago with friends but found the "security" inspection and unpleasant atmosphere for Jews too disturbing. My hang-ups...

On Sunday, it was a different world. I didn't have to go with an empty bag. It's not that those in our "group" took out siddurim* for prayers, but if we had siddurim we didn't have to leave them outside of security.
Jews aren't allowed to wander freely around Har Habayit. We're grouped by the entrance staff and then escorted by a few policemen. Most or possibly all of ours were Jewish. The policeman in charge was definitely religious. Not only was he wearing a kippah, but he had long peyot**. 

One person in our group led some prayers, something that only a few years ago would have been forcibly stopped. The only response was that we were told that our time up on the Holy Temple Mount was timed, and that standing still meant that we wouldn't get the "full tour."

Friends of mine, who ascend frequently, have been saying how much more pleasant and spiritual it now is. I now agree and hope to ascend more frequently. There is no place in the world holier for Jews. The First and Second Holy Temples were up there. We pray fervently that the Third Temple will be built במהירה בימינו speedily in our time...

*prayer book
**uncut hair on the part of the his face where Elvis grew his sideburns

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