Hamas War

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Comments on "Why I Won't..."

First of all, the comments have surprised me in the agreement and support for my opinion that the theme of the demonstration, demanding a referendum, is a serious mistake. Some of the people are going anyway. I asked and received permission to publish a couple of the comments from readers, and they follow:


Although I feel certain that a referendum would certainly win against throwing Jews out of their homes, I feel that even bringing it up to a vote is immoral. The plan was brought up for a vote when Amram Mitzna presented it in the last elections and it was voted down by a landslide vote for Ariel Sharon. Who would have believed that he would hijack our votes like that?

Jews don't throw Jews out of their homes and communities especially when it can only endanger Israel's security, can cause a major desecration of God's name and can only encourage our enemies. How would Ariel Sharon react if the same decision were made today in a European country?

So, I will be attending Sunday's demonstration not because I want a referendum but because I want to express my revulsion of the plan to force incredibly wonderful Jews to lose their homes, their livelihoods, their past and their future. And for what? Does any sane person really believe that the IDF will be able to leave Aza if the terrorists see how effective they are? Is the Oslo nightmare repeating itself? Is our memory that short? Don't we read reality and not the brainwashing of our extreme leftist false-messianic reporters? How did we get Shimon Peres again?

Leah S. Wolf



Batya, what I don't understand is why Moetzet Yesha is not working hand in hand with Gush Katif for this demonstration, because I am sure that most people there also think that the signs shoud say what you said: Eretz Yisrael belongs to the Jews, period and no referendum is going to change that. If there will be enough people at the demonstration who say that statement loud and clear, then the demonstration is worth doing and the tent sitting is worth it too. But otherwise, I agree that this attitude of the Moetza is shooting ourselves in the foot. Thank you for sharing and Shabbat Shalom

So, if you have anything to add, don't be shy.
Shavua Tov

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