Hamas War

Friday, January 28, 2005

Why I Won't Be At Sunday's Demonstration

Musings #97
January 28, 2005
The 18th of Shvat

Why I Won’t Be At Sunday’s Demonstration

I admit that I, who once never missed a demonstration, thrived on the excitement of demonstrations and even met my husband at a demonstration, have rarely been attending them for the past few years. But that’s not why I’m not going to be at this coming Sunday’s “massive” demonstration organized by Moetzet YESHA.

There’s a very simple reason why I’m not planning on going. I’m one hundred percent, 100%, opposed to its objective, slogan. Yes, simple as that, and yes, I totally disagree with the tactics and now political aims of Moetzet YESHA.

I suddenly paid attention to what the demonstration is demanding. It’s demanding, “Let the People Decide,” meaning a referendum. Don’t they realize that by demanding a referendum they are agreeing to abide by its decision? It means that they are giving “democracy” a higher status than Judaism, The Torah, G-d. It means that they are recognizing the government’s rights to do what it wants in the name of “democracy.” By having a referendum they are letting people choose whether or not to continue with the entire mitzvah of “yishuv ha’aretz,” the Zionist ideal.

Continuing with this philosophical change in the foundations of our country, last night the news focused on a court case by Arab Israelis who are demanding the right to purchase homes from the JNF, Jewish National Fund. Remember the “blue boxes,” fundraising for the purchase of land in the Holy Land for Jews? Well, did anyone ever tell you that it’s not “democratic?” The land bought from Arabs for Jews is now going to be sold back to Arabs. That’s what they were talking about on the news last night. We are a democratic country, and all citizens should have the same civil rights.

Yes, all citizens will vote in the referendum. Yes, Arabs will be able to vote in the referendum about whether or not Jews should be expelled from their homes. Yes, Arabs will be able to vote on whether or not to destroy Jewish communities. Yes, Arabs will have the right to decide if Jews can live in Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel.

Yes, I don’t trust Moetzet YESHA. Time after time, I’ve been horrified by their decisions and plans. I prefer thinking that they’re just stupid. For most of my life, I’ve been aware of the fact that my mind just works differently from others. Sometimes I’m right, and sometimes I’m wrong. On this issue, I’ve been amazed at the amount of people who agree. Actually, ever since I began writing my “musings,” I’ve had so many letters and comments from people telling me that I said just what they had been thinking. Previously, I had always thought that I was the only one.

Now, just before the demonstration, many people have told me that they don’t know what to do. They agree with me, but they’re afraid not to attend the demonstration. I am so against the referendum (which I wrote about in many of my previous musings) that there’s no way I’ll be there. That’s why I’m writing this. All I can suggest is that all of you who agree with me, whether you attend or not, please write to the newspapers, call the “talk shows” saying that you’re against the referendum. And if someone asks to interview you at the demonstration, say the same thing.

The only demonstration I would attend would have as its theme: “Eretz Yisrael for Am Yisrael,” “The Land of Israel for The Jewish People.” I am ruled by the Torah, not by democracy. This is what Moetzet YESHA should be proclaiming.

Shabbat Shalom,

Batya Medad, Shiloh

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